Appendix A: Airport Zoning Easement and Covenant
Comes now                                                                                       owner(s) of certain real property in the county,
State of Indiana, being more particularly described as follows:
And, for and in consideration of the issuance by                                                                                         of a permit
to construct a certain residence on said real property in accordance with the terms of owners’ application, owner(s) hereby give, grant and demise unto                                                                                                           , its successors
and assignments as easement for the passage of aircraft using said airport at a safe and reasonable height above the residence. Said easement shall continue in full force and effect at all times so long as there shall be an airport at or near the present location of                                                                                                                                                             .
Owners agree not to construct or erect any building, improvement, tower or antenna which would extend higher than                           feet above the existing ground level.
It is understood by the owners and owners’ successors in interest that the above-described real property lies in close proximity to an operating airport and that the operation of the airport and the landing and take-off of aircraft may generate high noise levels.
Owners covenant that they shall not initiate or support any action in any court or before any governmental agency if the purpose of the action is to interfere with, restrict, or reduce the operation of the airport or the use of an airport by any aircraft. Owners further covenant that they shall not protest or object to the operation of the airport or the landing or take-off of aircraft before any court or agency or government. The covenants contained herein shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the owners and their heirs, successors and assigns.
In witness whereof owners have executed this Easement and Covenant this                         day of                               ,  20____.
Signature                                                       (Seal)   Signature                                                                   (Seal)
Printed                                                              Printed                                                                              
owner/grantor                   owner/grantor                                 
Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared                                                        
who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Easement and Covenant, and who having been duly sworn, states that any representations therein contained are true.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this               day of                               , 20          .
My commission expires                                                .
Signature                                                             Printed                                                                 , Notary Public
Resident of                                               County
   This instrument was prepared by                                                                       , attorney at law.
(Ord. passed 9-1-2006)