(A)   Purpose and intent.
      (1)   This district is intended for retail stores, professional offices, financial institutions, and general offices which are mutually compatible and can benefit from and contribute to a compact shopping area serving the city and the surrounding area. It is also intended to be a setting conducive to and safe for a high level of pedestrian traffic.
      (2)   Off-street parking is generally not required for businesses located in pedestrian-oriented areas, however, if the property abuts Hwy. 371, parking shall be required.
      (3)   Businesses requiring a conditional use permit will also be required to provide off-street parking.
   (B)   Lot, use, and density.
Front yard minimum
0 feet*
Landscaping shall be provided in areas not covered by buildings, sidewalks, or parking areas on at least 25% of the developed land area
Lot area minimum
20,000 square feet plus required space for off-street parking and loading where applicable (see § 150.108)
Lot width minimum feet
25 feet
Maximum building height
45 feet
Maximum lot coverage (impervious surface)
Rear yard minimum/alley
0 feet***
Side yard minimum
0 feet**
Note to table:
*   In the C-1 District, awnings, marquees, canopies, balconies, deck and roof extensions shall be allowed to extend beyond the 0’ front setback, over the sidewalk (public right-of-way) upon meeting the requirements of this section (see §§ 150.050 through 150.055; 150.074; 151.01 through 151.21)
**   Where a Commercial District property abuts a Residential District, there shall be a side yard setback of 20 feet
***   Where a Commercial District property abuts a Residential District, there shall be a rear yard setback of 20 feet
(Ord. passed 4-10-2017)