§ 150.031 PUBLIC DISTRICT (P).
   (A)   Purpose and intent. The Public Use District includes land which is currently in the public domain and which is the location of actual or planned facilities intended to serve the public; to permit orderly and economic development of public service utilities and schools within such a Public Use District.
   (B)   Lot, use, and density requirements.
Buffer required
Where a Public Zone District is located adjacent to another district in which the principal permitted use is clearly in conflict with or may be negatively affected by a permitted use in the Public Zone District, the Planning Commission may require buffer strips or other landscaping and related measures as may be necessary to protect the public interest and/or to comply with the spirit and intent of this chapter.
Landscaping shall extend around the perimeter of the public building in an area no less than 4 feet in width. Front yards shall be landscaped to the building or structure.
Maximum lot coverage (impervious surface)
Minimum lot size and requirements
Front yards, side yards, rear yards, setbacks, and maximum height - All proposed developments, whether new or expansions of existing uses, shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on matters related to lot sizes, setbacks, side yards, and the like.
(Ord. passed 4-10-2017)