(A)   Authority. Pursuant to I.C. 5-14-3-8(h), 9-26-2-3, 10-13-3-30, and 10-13-3-31, the Common Council may establish and collect fees for providing vehicle checks, providing accident reports, theft reports, and criminal history reports.
   (B)   Service fees. The fees listed below are established and must be paid to the city’s Police Department at the time a requested report is provided:
      (1)   Vehicle identification number check: $5;
      (2)   Incident and case reports: $5; and
      (3)   Criminal history checks: $5.
   (C)   Account established; use. The Clerk-Treasurer shall receipt the fees to a separate fund in the ledger of receipts and disbursements entitled Accident Report Account and deposit the receipts in the General Fund. Expenditures shall be authorized by the Chief of Police, limited to the approved uses provided in the law, and paid without appropriation on the basis of a claim filed, allowed, and paid in the regular legal manner.
(Ord. 2009-5, passed 9-14-2009)