(A) Typical section for roadway with open roadside drainage swale;
(B) Typical section for roadway with concrete roll curb and gutter;
(C) Typical section for roadway with median island ;
(D) Typical section for roadway with asphalt swale;
(E) Typical section for roadway with inverted crown;
(F) Pavement cut for installation of utilities;
(G) Urban street typical cul-de-sac plan view;
(H) Typical concrete driveway plan view and profile (roadway with open ditches);
(I) Typical asphalt driveway plan view and profile (roadway with open ditches);
(J) Typical section concrete curb and gutter;
(K) Concrete gutter at street intersection plan view;
(L) Concrete gutter at street intersections - standard construction;
(M) Typical sidewalk section with curb and gutter;
(N) Masonry curb inlet drainage structure detail;
(O) Masonry junction box detail;
(P) Grate type yard inlet detail;
(Q) Type Nine yard inlet detail;
(R) Typical section - trapezoidal ditch;
(S) Typical section - swale type ditch;
(T) Pipe outlet to ditch with concrete slab;
(U) Pipe outlet to ditch with riprap;
(V) Rip rap detail at end of pipe;
(W) Rip rap detail at intersection of ditches;
(X) Rip rap detail at bend in ditch;
(Y) Typical street name sign installation;
(Z) Horizontal sight distance detail;
(AA) Standard street name sign specifications.