For the purpose of these regulations, abbreviations relating to streets and drainage are defined as follows:
   AASHTO. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
   ADA. Americans with Disabilities Act.
   ADAAG. Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines.
   ASTM. American Society for Testing Materials.
   CTC. County Transportation Committee.
   CTC (SS). The Charleston County Transportation Committee publication Standard Specifications for Local Governments Road and Street Construction, latest edition.
   HOA. Homeowners’ association.
   MLW. Mean low water.
   MSL. Mean sea level (elevation 0.0 as determined by the NGVD 29 datum).
   MUTCD. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
   NGVD 29. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
   SCDHEC/OCRM. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control/Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
   SCDOT. South Carolina Department of Transportation.
   SCDOT (SS). South Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, latest edition.
   USACOE. United States Army Corps of Engineers.