(A) A primary purpose of this subchapter to protect, maintain, and enhance water quality and the environment of the town and the short-term and long-term public health, safety, and general welfare of the town’s residents. This subchapter is also designed to minimize property damage by establishing requirements and procedures to control the potential adverse effects of increased stormwater runoff and related pollutant loads associated with both future development and existing developed land. Proper management of stormwater runoff will further the purpose of this subchapter to ensure a functional drainage system, reduce the effects of development on land and stream channel erosion, attain and maintain water quality standards, enhance the local environment associated with the drainage system, reduce local flooding, maintain where necessary pre-developed runoff characteristics of the area in terms of flow rate, volume, and pollutant concentration, and facilitate economic development while mitigating associated pollutant, flooding, erosion, and drainage impacts.
(B) Another primary purpose of this subchapter to direct the development and implementation of a stormwater management program (“SWMP”) and to establish authority which authorizes or enables the town at a minimum to:
(1) Comply with state and federal requirements related to stormwater management developed pursuant to the Clean Water Act, being 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq.;
(2) Prohibit illicit discharges into the town’s stormwater systems and facilities and receiving waters;
(3) Control to the maximum extent practicable the discharge into the town’s stormwater systems and facilities and receiving waters of spills, dumping, or disposal of materials other than stormwater;
(4) Address specific categories of non-stormwater discharges and similar other incidental non-stormwater discharges listed in the SWMP;
(5) Require erosion and sediment controls to protect water quality on all applicable new and re-development projects both during and after construction;
(6) Where necessary, require stormwater discharge rate and volume control during and following development, redevelopment, or construction;
(7) Define and implement procedures of site plan review and site inspection of all applicable construction projects within the town;
(8) Control the discharge from the town’s stormwater systems and facilities and receiving waters of pollutants in such quantity that water quality standards are met or to otherwise address post-construction, long-term water quality. This includes the necessary means needed to comply with state and federal regulations regarding stormwater management quantity and quality;
(9) Define procedures for addressing resident complaints of stormwater-related issues within the town;
(10) Provide for adequate long-term operation and maintenance of existing stormwater systems and facilities;
(11) Carry out inspection, surveillance, and monitoring procedures necessary to determine compliance and noncompliance with permit conditions including the prohibition on illicit discharges to the town’s stormwater system and receiving waters;
(12) Encourage the creation of stream buffers and preservation of natural spaces to provide areas that may be used for flood storage, stormwater treatment and control, and recreation. Such areas may be required in special protection areas needed to protect, maintain, or enhance water quality and protect property from flooding problems;
(13) Develop, implement, and enforce action plans to address pollutant load reductions required in impaired water bodies and to work towards compliance with total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) established by EPA or SCDHEC and to work toward meeting water quality standards; and
(14) Enable enforcement of all of the authorizations stated herein.
(C) Another purpose of this subchapter to establish review authority for the town’s Stormwater Manager to provide consistency of construction projects with the SWMP.
(Ord. 2012-19, passed 11-15-2012; Ord. 2018-15, passed 12-20-2018)