(A)   Layout and design generally. Lots shall be laid out and designed to provide buildable area on each lot, while complying with all other standards and requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Size.
      (1)   Lots shall comply with the lot area standards of the underlying zoning district and all other applicable standards of this chapter.
      (2)   Depth of residential lots shall not exceed five times the width of the lot (a 1:5 ratio).
      (3)   The Zoning Administrator may allow the lot width to depth ratio of 1:5 to be exceeded when any of the following conditions occur:
         (a)   When attached dwellings are proposed;
         (b)   Where additional depth is provided for marsh frontage lots when the lot width depth ratio is met and the property line is extended into the marsh or the property is bisected by or fronts on freshwater wetlands; or
         (c)   A minor subdivision of a parent tract, provided the following requirements are met:
            1.   The minimum lot frontage for each lot is not less than 250 feet;
            2.   In no case shall the average lot width be less than 250 feet with the minimum lot width at any one point less than 200 feet;
            3.   The property to be subdivided is located in an NRM or agricultural zoning district; and
            4.   Prescribed lot width requirements shall be for at least two-thirds of the depth of the lot.
   (C)   Access.
      (1)   Double-frontage lots shall be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from major roadways or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. An easement with a minimum width of ten feet may be required to restrict access from the major street or other area.
      (2)   All lots shall be provided with a means of access in conformance with the standards and specifications of this chapter.
      (3)   The minimum frontage of any flag lot or cul-de-sac lot access shall be 20 feet.
      (4)   All lots, all flag lots, cul-de-sac lots, and privately accessed lots shall comply with the International Fire Code, as adopted by Town Council (20 feet in width, 13 feet six inches in height unobstructed).
   (D)   Flag lots. The Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to allow the use of flag lots only when the Zoning Administrator determines that such lot configurations are necessary to address development constraints that are present on the site, e.g., lot width or wetland issues.
      (1)   Permitted use of flag lots. Flag lots may be authorized when the Zoning Administrator determines that they will:
         (a)   Facilitate subdivision of a long narrow parcel that has sufficient area but insufficient width to be otherwise subdivided;
         (b)   Eliminate multiple access points to collector or arterial roads; and/or
         (c)   Allow reasonable development when the buildable area of a parcel is restricted due to the presence of a natural resource or the irregular shape of a parcel.
      (2)   Prohibited use of flag lots.
         (a)   Flag lots shall not be used to avoid the development of streets otherwise required by this chapter when the effect of such flag lots would be to increase the number of access points (driveways) on a publicly dedicated road right-of-way.
         (b)   Flag lots may be denied when an adjoining parcel also has sufficient area but insufficient width to otherwise be subdivided. In such cases, platting can be accomplished by landowners of adjoining parcels joining together to provide a full width right-of-way and road section.
      (3)   Standards for flag lots.
         (a)   Flag lots shall take direct access to streets that comply with this chapter.
         (b)   The area within the flagpole portion of a flag lot shall not be counted as lot area for the purpose of meeting the minimum lot area requirements of this chapter.
         (c)   The flagpole portion of a flag lot shall have a minimum width of 20 feet for its entire depth, and the depth or length of the flagpole shall not exceed 450 feet.
         (d)   As a condition of approval for a flag lot, an encroachment permit must be obtained from the appropriate agency governing access, and an access easement agreement for shared access between the owner of the flag lot and the lot from which the flag lot was created is recorded in the Office of the County Register of Mesne Conveyance.
         (e)   Dwelling groups on flag lots shall meet the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 2012-06, § 8.7, passed 10-18-2012; Ord. 2013-06, passed 10-17-2013)