(A) Order of business. The order of business for all regular meetings of the Council shall be as follows; provided, however, that when it appears to be in the best interest of the public, the order of business may be changed for any single meeting by two-thirds vote.
(1) Opening exercises (includes call to order, prayer, pledge of allegiance);
(2) Presentations by outside agencies ;
(3) Public hearings;
(4) Public comment;
(5) Consent agenda (includes approval of minutes and adoption of routine resolutions);
(6) Special orders of business;
(7) Information reports and announcements (items that require no Council action);
(8) Reports of town boards, commissions, and committees;
(9) Request for approval by Council;
(10) Resolutions;
(11) Ordinances receiving first reading;
(12) Ordinances receiving second reading;
(13) New business;
(14) Executive Session; and
(15) Announcements/closing comments.
(B) Agendas. The Town Clerk shall prepare an agenda for every regular and special meeting. Agendas and informational material for regular meetings shall be distributed to the Council and available to the public no later than the Friday preceding the meeting.
(C) Placement of items on the agenda.
(1) The Mayor may place routine items and items referred by staff on the agenda.
(2) Any item placed on the consent agenda or matter raised during public comment may be placed on a subsequent agenda as a “special order of business” upon majority vote of the Council.
(3) Any member of Town Council requesting that an item requiring a vote or other action by Council, such as an ordinance or resolution, be placed on the agenda must submit a written request, along with motions needed, not later than close of business on the Thursday in the week preceding the Council meeting.
(D) Public comment. Citizens of the town and other members of the public may share their concerns and make comments about town affairs. While questions may be asked, this is a time for Mayor, Council, and town officials to listen rather than respond. The total time allotted will be 30 minutes and each comment should be limited to three minutes. Council may extend these times by two-thirds vote.
(E) Consent agenda. In order to expedite the Council’s business, the approval of minutes and other routine agenda items shall be placed on the consent agenda. All items on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion, unless the item is pulled for further consideration. Any item on the consent agenda may be removed for separate consideration by any member of the Council. For the purposes of this rule, SEPARATE CONSIDERATION means any proposal to adopt a different course of action than that recommended in the staff report, or a determination that debate on a proposed course of action is deemed desirable, any questions to staff on any item, and any item where a Council member must declare a conflict of interest.
(F) Information reports/announcements. The Town Administrator, other town officials, the Mayor and members of Council may provide reports and make announcements during this period. Members of Council may ask questions regarding reports and other town business, including matters raised during public comment.
(G) Special orders of business. Except otherwise required by these rules, items removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration shall be considered as a special order of business and part of the next scheduled item on the agenda.
(H) Public hearings. Public hearings shall commence no later than 7:45 p.m., and any pending order of business shall be deferred until such time as the hearing has concluded. Unless otherwise required by law or Council motion, public hearings shall be scheduled by the Town Clerk, and may be rescheduled without further action by the Council.
(I) New business. Items added to the agenda by the Town Administrator after the Friday before the meeting but for which 24-hour public notification has been provided may be considered by Council upon a majority vote. Items may be added to the agenda at the meeting for reasons including concerns raised during public comment or information reports by staff. Items may be added to the agenda by the Mayor or members of the Council according to the following rules:
(1) If the item is for discussion only and proposes no action by the town or further vote by the Council at the meeting, it may be added by majority vote.
(2) If the item requires action by the town, but not a final vote, such that a final vote will occur at a future meeting that provides at least 24-hour notice and an opportunity for public comment, it may be added by two-thirds vote of the Council.
(3) If the item proposes action by the town and a vote by the Council such that no further vote by the Council will be taken before the action is carried out, so that there will be no 24-hour notice and opportunity for public comment, it may be placed on the agenda by a two-thirds vote. The motion to add the item to the agenda must state that the Council finds that an emergency or an exigent circumstance exists if the item is not added to the agenda.
(Ord. 2012-07, passed 9-20-2012; Am. Ord. 2017-10, passed 9-21-2017; Am. Ord. 2019-12, passed 12-19-2019; Am. Ord. 2021-05, passed 8-19-2021)