(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMISSION. The Star City Commission of the city.
CHAIRPERSON. The Chairperson of the Star City Commission.
PLANNING COMMISSION. The City Planning Commission.
SECRETARY. The Secretary of the Star City Commission.
VICE-CHAIRPERSON. The Vice-Chairperson of the Star City Commission.
(B) Establishment. A Star City Commission, advisory to the Council and Planning Commission, is established to cooperate with and utilize the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development’s Star Cities Program. It shall have the powers and duties as hereinafter provided.
(C) Membership. The Commission shall consist of 5 or more members appointed by the Council at its first meeting in January to serve 1 year terms.
(D) Commission staff. The City Economic Developer shall assist the Commission as he or she shall from time to time be requested, subject however, to approval by the Council or its designate.
(E) Removal of members. The Council shall have the authority to remove any member of the Commission from office whenever, in its discretion, the best interests of the city shall be served thereby.
(F) Meetings, officers.
(1) The Commission will name its own officers to serve at its pleasure from the membership of the Commission.
(2) The Commission shall meet publicly as called at a place within the city.
(3) The Chairperson or any 3 members of the Commission shall have the authority to call a meeting of the Commission.
(4) Written notice of meetings shall be given to all members at least 24 hours prior to the time of the meeting.
(G) Rules and procedures. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings and procedures unless different rules are adopted by a majority vote of the Commission.
(H) Powers and duties. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To confer with and advise the Council and Planning Commission on all matters concerning the industrial and commercial development of the city;
(2) To publicize, with the consent of the Council, the industrial and commercial advantages and opportunities of the city;
(3) To collect data and information as to the type of industries and commerce best suited to the city;
(4) Periodically survey the overall condition of the city for the purpose of determining whether the city has a community climate for industry and to determine the general receptiveness of the city to particular types of industry;
(5) To publicize information as to the general advantages of industrial and commercial development in this community;
(6) To cooperate with all industries and businesses in the city to assist in the solution of any community problems which they may have and to encourage the expansion, development and management of the industries and businesses so as to promote the general welfare of the city;
(7) To cooperate with the Regional Development Commission in the undertaking of necessary surveys and studies in the furtherance of commercial and industrial development;
(8) To advise the Council and Planning Commission in the proper zoning and orderly development of areas suitable for industrial and commercial development;
(9) To develop, compile, coordinate and publicize information such as, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Existing industrial and commercial concerns within the city, their addresses, type of business, number of employees and whether each serves local, regional or national markets;
(b) Available industrial and commercial sites, including number of acres, approximate price, existing zoning and proximity to trackage and highways;
(c) Available buildings for industrial and commercial operations, including type of building, number of square feet, existing zoning and proximity to trackage and highways;
(d) Transportation facilities, including railroads, motor carriers, water transportation, air transportation and highway facilities;
(e) Electric power available;
(f) Fuels available for industrial and commercial use;
(g) Sewage disposal facilities;
(h) Water supply facilities;
(I) Community facilities such as fire, police and educational;
(j) Recreational facilities;
(k) Going wage rate in the city for the trades, skilled and semi-skilled and white collar workers;
(l) Availability of labor;
(m) General community attitude toward industrial and commercial expansion, development and attraction;
(n) Experience and programs of surrounding suburban communities in regard to industrial and commercial expansion, development and attraction;
(10) To recommend to the Council and the Planning Commission policies and particular action in regard to industrial and commercial expansion, development and attraction;
(11) To cooperate and coordinate with other economic development agencies and local lending institutions in defining available property and assembling financing packages for commercial and industrial prospects;
(12) The Commission shall have the power to appoint subcommittees of a size and nature it may deem necessary and may enlist the aid of persons and organizations who are not members of the Commission. The Commission shall have no power to make contracts, levy taxes, borrow money or condemn property, but shall have the full power and responsibility to investigate the necessity for and recommend the taking of these and any other actions related to the industrial and commercial development by the Council and all other officers of the city responsible to formulate the terms of and procedure for taking the action.
(I) Annual report. The Commission shall report to the Council annually regarding the Commission’s activities.
(1998 Code, § 2.12) (Ord. 42, 5th Series, eff. 4-12-1995)