An administrative Airport Commission composed of 7 members is established for the management and operation of the Jackson Municipal Airport under the general supervision of the Council.
(A) Rules and regulations. To establish and thereafter amend written rules and regulations for the use, management and operation of the Jackson Municipal Airport.
(B) Operation. To operate, manage, improve, equip and administer the Jackson Municipal Airport; to hire an airport manager and such other additional airport employees as it deems necessary and to set their wages and other conditions of employment, subject to confirmation by the Council; to negotiate the purchase and rental of necessary real and personal property for the maintenance, enlargement, improvement of the Jackson Municipal Airport and to negotiate the sale of real and personal property no longer needed for airport purposes, subject to confirmation by the Council; to propose an annual budget for the Airport and to present the same to the Council at such time as the Council shall direct and to advise and assist the Council with respect to the same; to advisee and assist the Council, generally, in all matters relating to the airport; to report to the Council, quarterly or more often as the Council shall direct on its management of the affairs of the airport; and to represent the city in all matters requiring consultation and cooperation with township, county, state or federal governing bodies or agencies.
(C) Meetings. To hold monthly meetings at a time regularly established and approved by the Council and to hold special meetings as necessary for the conduct of its business.
(1998 Code,. § 2.09) (Ord. 77, 5th Series, eff. 3-13-1997)