Pursuant to agreement with the County of Jackson, Minnesota (the “County”), a Law Enforcement Liaison Committee (the “Committee”) is hereby established to meet periodically with the Jackson County Sheriff, the Sheriff’s designees, and delegates of the County; to consider issues that arise under an agreement made by and between the City, the County of Jackson, and the Jackson County Sheriff for law enforcement services to be provided by the Sheriff’s Office within the City (the “contract”); to generally advise the Council regarding rights, problems, and issues relating to the contract and law enforcement within the City; and to make recommendations to resolve such problems and issues.
   (A)   The City’s delegates to the Committee shall be the Mayor and two other persons appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, at least one of whom shall be a City Council member.
   (B)   The City Administrator shall be an ex officio member of the Committee.
(Ord. 54, 6th Series, passed 7-5-2011)