§ 153.088 LOCATION.
   All off-street parking spaces herein required shall be located according to the following:
   (A)   Spaces required for one and two family dwellings shall be on the same lot as the principal structure. For lots greater than 60 feet wide, the parking space shall not be closer than 5 feet to any side or rear property lines;
   (B)   Spaces required for multiple-family dwellings shall be on the same lot as the principal structure served or within 200 feet of the main entrance if not located on the same lot;
   (C)   In industrial districts, no off-street parking space shall be within 20 feet of a public sidewalk or street or be closer than 5 feet to any side or rear lot lines, except as permitted in § 153.089. Protective barriers or cubs approved by the City Zoning Administrator shall be installed in business districts where the parking space does not meet the foregoing setback requirements for industrial districts;
   (D)   If required parking is located on a site other than the site on which the principal building or use is located, a properly drawn legal instrument, executed by the parties involved, must be filed with the city and the proper county office, if deemed necessary by the City Attorney, which provides for the parking and which shall not be terminated without approval by the City Council.
(Ord. 109, 5th Series, passed 6-3-1999; Am. Ord. 115, 5th Series, passed 6-5-2001)