It is unlawful for any person to engage in the practice of tattooing, or to operate any establishment where tattooing is practiced, without being licensed pursuant to this chapter, except that a state licensed physician who engages in the practice of tattooing shall be exempt from these licensing requirements.
   (A)   General or temporary event license. The license may be either a general license or a temporary event license.
   (B)   Temporary event license. Temporary event licenses may be issued for events of no longer than 4 continuous days.
      (1)   Number of events. The same person or organization may have no more than 4 tattooing events in the same calendar years.
      (2)   Security measures. Security measures proposed for the temporary event must be submitted by the applicant to the Chief of Police for written approval.
(1998 Code, § 5.27, Subd. 3) Penalty, see § 10.99