(A)   Service charges. The city may charge, impose, and collect minimum monthly service charges for the availability of electricity.
   (B)   Purchased power cost adder. The city shall add a purchased power cost adjustment to all monthly billings for electricity sold and distributed by the city.
   (C)   Power factor. 
      (1)   POWER FACTOR is the ratio of real (working) power, measured in kilowatts (KW) to apparent power, measured in kilovolt-amperes (KVA). The ‘average power factor’ is this ratio over a period of time. Real (working) power is the power used to perform actual work, such as creating heat, light, or motion. Reactive power, or kilovolt-amperes-reactive (KVAR), is power that doesn’t do useful work but is used to sustain an electromagnetic field, such as with motors. Real (working) power and reactive power together make up apparent power. Apparent power is the true power that must be supplied to the customer.
      (2)   Customers shall use electricity in such a way that the average power factor remains as close to 100% as possible; and the city may, at its discretion, perform tests and/or install reactive metering to determine the customer’s power factor, and adjust the amount billed if the customer’s power factor is determined to be less than 95%.
   (D)   Large power. A “large power” customer is one with:
       (1)   A single phase or 3 phase 60 cycle service at standard secondary voltage, or
      (2)   With a load of 40 KW or larger.
   (E)   Charge in aid of construction. Availability of service will be subject to applicable rules and regulations, but where equipment must be installed or lines extended, an additional charge may be made.
   (F)   Rates. Subject to the foregoing, the fees, rates, and charges to be imposed and collected by the city for electricity that it distributes shall be as set forth in the Fee Schedule Ordinance, adopted by reference in § 36.01 of this code.
   (G)   Modifications. The City Council may modify, amend, or revoke any such fee, charge, or rate by resolution or ordinance.
(Ord. 140, 5th Series, passed 8-16-2005)