(A) There is hereby created upon the treasury books of the county a fund to be entitled “County Emergency Rescue Fund.”
(B) All funds received by the county under A.C. §§ 27-101-101 et seq. shall be deposited in the County Emergency Rescue Fund to be used for operating and maintaining the emergency rescue services upon the waterways within the county.
(Ord. 1988-2, passed 3-14-88)
For each conviction, each plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or forfeiture of bond for an offense which is a misdemeanor or violation under state law or local ordinance, or for each traffic offense which is a misdemeanor or violation under state law or local ordinance, or for violation of the Omnibus DWI Act, and when any such cases have been docketed as a state case in the Municipal Court of Newport, Arkansas, the sum of $6 is to be paid from the fine money upon collection thereof to the City Administration of Justice Fund for deposit in the Municipal Court Judge and Clerk Retirement Fund, and is to be treated as a priority to be paid before disbursement of the remaining fines collected.
(Ord. 1995-3, passed 7-10-95)
(A) There is hereby established on the books of the Treasurer of the county a fund to be known as the “Indigent Defense Fund” which shall consist of those monies as provided by law. The Indigent Defense Fund shall be used for the sole purpose of paying reasonable and necessary costs incurred in the defense of indigent persons accused of criminal offenses and in the defense of indigent persons against whom involuntary commitment procedures have been brought in any Circuit, Chancery, Probate or Municipal, City or Police Court in the county, including but not limited to investigative expenses, expert witness fees, and legal fees.
(B) In addition to all other costs and fees provided by law, there is hereby imposed a fee in the sum of $5, to be taxed as costs in all civil cases filed, and upon a person upon conviction, plea of guilty, plea of nolo contendere, or bond or forfeiture, in felony, misdemeanor, traffic violation cases for violation of state law or local ordinance and violation of city ordinances, filed in any Circuit, Chancery, Probate, Municipal, City, or Police Court within the county. However, no such fees shall be taxed as costs in any action filed in any small claims court.
(C) The funds deposited into the Indigent Defense Fund shall be expended in accordance with A.C. §§ 16-87-101 et seq. and 16-92-101 et seq. and the further orders of the Quorum Court.
(Ord. 1983-5, passed 9-12-83; Am. Ord. 1993-12, passed 10-11-93)
(A) The County Judge and the County Treasurer are authorized to distribute all funds received from the Arkansas Department of Education pursuant to Act 799 of 2003 (A.C. §§ 6-16-1101 and 15-41-209) by first determining the school districts eligible to receive funds, identifying each district’s total enrollment, and determining the percentage of each district’s enrollment to that of all districts’ enrollment combined, and then distribute such funds on the percentage determined for each school district.
(B) The calculation set forth in division (A) of this section shall be refigured annually upon receipt of Act 799 funds from the Arkansas Department of Education and shall then be distributed according to the percentage figured for each school district.
(Ord. 2005-2, passed 1-10-05)