The County Library Board created by this subchapter shall have full and complete authority to manage, operate, maintain and keep in a good state of repair any and all buildings, equipment or installations of any kind used and devoted to the purpose of the Jackson County Public Library as the same exists at the time the said Board receives them or as may be added or changed hereafter. The County Library Board shall have the power and duty to employ or remove all employees of the Jackson County Public Library and to fix, regulate and pay their salaries. The Board shall have the exclusive right and power to make purchases of all supplies and equipment and other property and things requisite and necessary for the operation and management of the Jackson County Public Library, including new construction and equipment, as needed, it being the intention of this subchapter to vest in the Board the authority to operate, manage, maintain equipment and control the Jackson County Public Library, subject to the county purchasing laws of Arkansas.
(Ord. 1978-10, passed 6-28-78)