Where an adequate public storm sewer is available at the plat boundary, the subdivider and/or developer shall construct a storm sewer system and connect it with such storm sewer line. If such a storm sewer system is not accessible, natural drainage channels with easements of adequate width shall be provided, as determined by the City Engineer. Paved gutters or storm sewers shall be required if velocities of flow are greater than specified in Section 1337.01 or cause destructive erosion, or if curbs and gutters are required. Storm drainage, including drain tile around basements, shall not be permitted to discharge into any sanitary sewer facility, but shall connect to an adequate drainage outlet. The developer shall furnish a drainage analysis to show that the post development conditions do not exceed the drainage discharge flow or velocity experienced prior to the proposed development for a twenty-five year, twenty-four hour storm event. Engineering calculations shall be provided by a professional engineer registered in the State of Ohio and shall be furnished to the City Engineer.
(Ord. 18-01. Passed 5-14-01.)