(a)   The Service-Safety Director shall establish the monthly charges that shall be made against each and every operator of a business, commercial or industrial operation, who avails himself of the garbage and refuse collection, removal and disposition service, one pick-up per week, provided for his benefit by the City and shall cause a written copy of those charges to be maintained at the Utility Office.
   Business garbage collection service to manufacturers, supermarkets, grocery stores and any business not previously mentioned shall be negotiated by the Service-Safety Director at rates consistent with those listed above. The Service-Safety Director shall also negotiate rates for collection service to a customer for pick-up more frequently than once a week.
   (b)    The charges in subsection (a) hereof are based upon weekly pick-up services. For each additional pick-up service, if desired, the charge will be arrived at by negotiating with the Service-Safety Director.
   (c)    The Director is hereby authorized and directed to determine and fix fees for parties or firms, not above mentioned, based upon the cost of service provided.
   (d)    Each and every operator of a business, commercial or industrial operation who avails himself of the garbage and refuse collection shall pay such collection rate on or before the twentieth day of each month or a delinquency charge of ten percent (10%) shall be added to such account for failure to pay the account on or before the due date of each month.
   (e)    The garbage and refuse collection, removal and disposition services provided for the benefit of every operator of a business, commercial or industrial operation, whether inside or outside the City, who avails himself of the garbage and refuse collection, removal and disposition service, shall be for garbage and refuse generated on the business, commercial or industrial operation premises only and in no event shall the garbage and refuse picked up at business, commercial or industrial operation include garbage and refuse which was generated at a site other than that of the premises of the business, commercial or industrial operation.
(Ord. 17-21. Passed 4-12-21.)