(a)   Any interested person may submit a request to be notified of any Jackson City Council meeting at which any specific type of business may be discussed. Such request shall be in writing and shall state with specificity the type of business of which such person desires to be notified. Such request shall be filed at the Mayor’s office, and shall be accompanied by:
      (1)   A fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00); and
      (2)   At least ten self-addressed stamped envelopes.
   (b)   Regular sessions of Council may include the discussion and action on any and all business of the City. Such issues may or may not be in the agenda for such meetings, but the nature of a regular meeting shall encompass any and all City business. The Council Clerk shall send a standardized letter to any person requesting to be notified of meetings at which any specific type of business may be discussed which shall describe the possibility that any and all City business may be discussed and acted upon at any regular Council meeting.
   (c)   In the event a special meeting shall be called, and any such person has requested notice of such issue pursuant to this procedure, then the Council Clerk shall, in writing, notify such person of the date, time, place and topic of such meeting.
   (d)   In the event any committee of Council meets to discuss any issue any person has requested to be notified on under this policy, then the Council Clerk shall, in writing, notify such person of the date, time, place and topic of such committee meeting.
(Ord. 101-00. Passed 9-25-00.)