§ 153.01 FINDINGS.
   (A)   Pursuant to state statute the DuPage County Board on September 24, 1991, adopted Ordinance No. SMO-0001-91, the Countywide Stormwater and Floodplain Ordinance ("County Ordinance"); and
   (B)   The DuPage County Board on June 22, 1999, adopted revised sections 15-111 and 115-240 of the County Ordinance effective September 1, 1999; and
   (C)   The County Ordinance was intended to provide certain minimum standards with regard to the regulation of storm water and flood plains within the county; and
   (D)   The Corporate Authorities of the village received a partial waiver to enforce the County Ordinance from the county on April 21, 1992; and
   (E)   When a municipality seeks a partial or complete waiver, it is required to take certain actions and evidence those actions through the passage of an ordinance; and
   (F)   A municipality receiving a partial or complete waiver of the County Ordinance is required to adopt certain standards contained within the County Ordinance as the minimum standards effective within its territorial jurisdiction, although it may impose higher standards; and
   (G)   The village currently enforces its own development standards and specifications, which may be amended from time to time. The standards and specifications shall be consistent with the County Stormwater Ordinance, but also may impose higher standards than those mandated by the county; and
   (H)   The Corporate Authorities may eventually pass a revised ordinance which unifies the provisions of the County Ordinance and its technical attachments and the provisions of its own ordinances into a single document, but until the acts of the county are completed, it desires to fulfill the requirements of the County Ordinance in the manner provided hereafter.
(Ord. 743-92, passed 2-18-92; Am. Ord. 1063-00, passed 9-5-00)