(A)   The following revisions and amendments are based on the 2018 Edition and are intended for application to the most recent adopted edition. If conflicts of application or interpretation exist between this section and the most recently adopted code, the Code Official shall refer to the 2018 Edition for any revision or amendment in conflict.
   (B)   The following revisions or amendments supersede the actual text of the code as published as it pertains to that section only.
   (C)   The following specific sections have been revised in part or total to read as follows for general adoption of the printed code.
   101.1 Title (INSERT) The Village of Itasca, Illinois.
   101.4.3 Plumbing (DELETE) International Plumbing Code and International Private Sewage Disposal Code. (INSERT) State of Illinois Plumbing Code.
   102.2.1 Zoning. (ADD) The Village Zoning Ordinance shall apply in all cases where it is more restrictive than the International Building Code.
   105.2 Work exempt from permit. (DELETE) Building Items 1, 2, 5 and 6. Plumbing Items 1 and 2. (INSERT under Plumbing) The State of Illinois Plumbing Code shall regulate the requirements for permit.
   105.5 Expiration (ADD) Every permit will be good for a period of one (1) year from the date of approval. Extensions up to 180 days may be requested in writing and may be granted by the Building Official upon demonstration by the applicant of justifiable cause. A request of an extension shall include the following: (1) an explanation of the hardship which resulted in the work not being completed; and (2) a detailed description of all work which has not yet been completed and a timeline for completion. Extensions must also comply with Section 150.90 Building Permit Time Limits. Furthermore, for each subsequent extension beyond the initial one, the fee shall increase by 25% over the previous renewal fee (i.e., the second renewal fee would be 50% of the original permit fee and 75% for a third renewal).
   Permit renewal fees, pursuant to Section 150.80, Schedule of Fees, of the Village Code, must be paid prior to issuance of an extension.
   107.1 General- (DELETE) "... two or more sets”. (INSERT) four (4) sets, all of which must be signed and sealed by an Illinois licensed and registered architect, structural engineer. or professional engineer ...
   109.2 Schedule of permit fees (INSERT) Refer to the Village Code, Section 150.80 Schedule of Fees.
   114.4 Violation Penalties (INSERT) See penalty for violations of the Village Code, Section 150.99 Penalty.
   115.3 Unlawful continuance (INSERT) See penalty for violations of the Village Code, Section 150.99, Penalty
   (D)   The following specific sections have been revised in part or total to read as follows:
   105.2 Work exempt from permit (DELETE from the Building exceptions list) storage sheds, fences, water tanks, sidewalks, driveways.
   113 Board of Appeals (DELETE) the Entire section. (INSERT) the following:
      All requests for appeals shall be submitted to the Building Official within thirty (30) days of the plan review or inspection. All appeals shall be submitted in writing with an explanation of the basis for the appeal.
      The Building Official shall review the appeal to determine the validity and correct application of the related code requirements. After the Building Official has determined the validity of the appeal, it shall be forwarded to the International Code Council for an interpretation of the code section.
      The interpretation of the International Code Council shall be used as the basis for the final decision of the appeal.
      Any appeals of the application of any local amendments to the adopted codes shall be made by the Building Official.
   201.5 Building Official: (INSERT) Whenever the term building official, or code official is shown, it shall refer to the Building Supervisor.
   202 Definitions, High-Rise Building. (DELETE) 75 feet. (INSERT) 55 feet, or over four (4) stories in height.
   202 Definitions, (INSERT) Plumbing. Definitions for plumbing shall come from the State of Illinois Plumbing Code.
   202 Definitions, (INSERT) Zoning. The Village Zoning Ordinance shall apply in all cases which are more restrictive than the Building Code.
   202 Definitions. (INSERT) Zoning Ordinance. The current edition of the Village of Itasca Zoning Ordinance.
   419 Live/Work Units. (DELETE) All Section 419.1 thru 419.9.
   420.3 Horizontal separation (DELETE) Entire section. (INSERT) the following: Floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwellings in the same building and sleeping units in the same building shall be continuous and have a minimum of a two-hour fire rating. There is no allowable reduction in ratings.
   503.2 Specifications (ADD) All fire lanes shall be capable of supporting an eighty thousand pound (80,000 lb.) fire vehicle. Specifications for all fire lanes shall be approved by the local Fire Protection District
   603.1 Allowable materials. (DELETE) Entire item #1 Fire -retarded- treated wood.
   903.2 Where required. (ADD) All new buildings require a fire sprinkler system.
      Exception: (ADD) Detached structures, which comply with all of the following, do not require automatic fire sprinklers:
      1.   Less than five hundred (500) square feet in area
      2.   Single story
      3.   Not used as a dwelling or sleeping area
      4.   Not a High Hazard Group
      5.   Not used for high hazard products or hazardous materials
      6.   No basements
      7.   Minimum separation to other buildings twenty (20) feet
      Additions to any building or structure equal to or exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the gross floor area of the original building construction as identified on the permit records and construction drawings approved by the Village when the structure was first constructed shall require the installation of an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout the entire existing and proposed building or structure.
      Note: This applies to attached single family residences (townhouses) but not detached single family homes.
   903.2.1.3 Group A-3 (DELETE) Exception.
   903.2.1.4 Group A (DELETE) Exception.
   903.2.2 Ambulatory care facilities. (DELETE) Exception.
   903.2.11.1 Stories without openings (DELETE) Entire section. (ADD) An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all windowless stories or basements.
   903. Opening dimension and access (DELETE) Entire section.
   903. Openings on one side only. (DELETE) Entire section.
   903. Basements. (DELETE) Entire section.
   903.2.13 Transformer vaults. (ADD) New section.
   Within Commonwealth Edison transformer vaults and main switch gear rooms which are enclosed by three (3) hour fire resistance rated walls, floors and ceiling assemblies and are also equipped with an approved automatic fire detection system, the automatic fire sprinkler system is not required in the vault or room. The doors shall have Commonwealth Edison locks.
   903.3.5 Water supplies (DELETE) International Plumbing Code. (INSERT) State of Illinois Plumbing Code.
   905.21 Installation standard. (ADD 1. Open parking structures in which the highest floor is located not more than one hundred fifty feet (150') above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be permitted to use a dry standpipe system.
   905.3 Required installations. (ADD) All buildings over two (2) stories above grade shall have a Class I standpipe system.
   905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose connections. (ADD) #1 Hose connections are required at both sides of the doors at the stairway (one) 1 connection inside the stairway, (one) 1 connection outside the stairway.
   905.7 Cabinets (ADD) Hose valve/fire extinguisher cabinets shall be mounted on the floor side of stairway doors.
   906.2.1 Certification (ADD) new Section. All fire extinguishers shall bear a current inspection label from a fire equipment distributor licensed by the Office of the State Fire Marshal.
   907.1.4 Fire alarms required (ADD) When fire alarm systems are required, detection is required throughout the entire building unless waived, in writing, by the Building Official.
      When a fire alarm system is installed, smoke detection shall be installed in all mechanical and electric rooms.
   907.1.5 Supervisory service. (ADD) All new and existing fire alarm systems shall transmit trouble, supervisory, and fire signals through a wireless transmitter which connects to an approved UL central monitoring station in accordance with NFPA 72. The authority having jurisdiction under NFPA 72 shall approve the UL central monitoring station connection.
      907.2 Where required - new buildings and structures. (ADD)
         Manual pull stations shall be provided in all multi-level parking structures. The manual pull stations shall be located at each level inside of each enclosed stair tower. All pull stations shall be connected into the main building alarm panel and separately zoned.
   907.6.1 Wiring - (ADD) All conductors for the fire alarm system, accessories and related equipment shall be in conduit. All conduit for fire alarms shall be red.
   907.6.4 Zones (DELETE) Twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and three hundred - 300 feet”. (INSERT) ten thousand (10,000) square feet and one hundred fifty (150) feet.
   907.11 Carbon monoxide detectors. (ADD) The requirements of the State of Illinois Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarm Act shall apply to all buildings. Where there is a conflict between the Act and other codes, the most-restrictive requirement shall apply.
   909.2.1 General design requirements. (ADD) All building over fifty-five (55) feet, or four (4) stories shall have the stairs pressurized per Section 1023.11. All Opposing HVAC systems shall shut down upon activation of the system.
   912.1 Installation. (ADD) The size of all standpipe connections shall be two and one-half inches (2-1/2") diameter and National Standard Thread.
   912.2 Location. (ADD) Fire Department connections shall be located no further than one hundred fifty feet (150') from the nearest hydrant as measured over an accessible route.
   913.4 Valve supervision. (DELETE) #3 and 4.
   915.2.1 Dwelling units. (DELETE) " ... in the immediate vicinity ... ". (INSERT) " ... within 15 feet ... ".
   1010.1.9.4 Locks and latches. (DELETE) #2,3,4.
   1013.5 1nternally illuminated exit signs. (ADD) Photo luminescent exit signs are not allowed.
   1101.1 GENERAL ACCESSIBILITY (ADD) Additionally, the State of Illinois Accessibility Code shall be applied in the design and construction of buildings and facilities for accessibility and use by physical disabled persons. In the event there is a conflict between the two codes, the stricter of the two shall apply.
   1205.3.1 Court access. (ADD) The access door to the court shall be a means of egress from the court.
   1301.1.1 Criteria (DELETE) International Energy Conservation Code. (INSERT) State of Illinois Energy Conservation Code.
   1505.5 Nonclassified roofing. (ADD) and shall not be allowed.
   1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas. (INSERT) Village of Itasca.
   1705.3 Concrete construction, Exception. (INSERT) Unless required by the Building Official.
   1805.4.2 Foundation drain. (ADD) A minimum of four-inch (4") diameter perforated pipe is required to surround all crawl spaces or basements.
   1807.1.2 Under-floor space. (ADD) Foundation drain lines, sumps, and pumps are required for all crawl spaces and basements.
   1807.1.4 Permanent wood foundation systems. (DELETE) Entire section.
   1808.1 General (Foundations) (ADD) Timber foundations are not permitted.
   1809.5.1 Depth of footings. (DELETE) Extending below the frost line of the locality. (ADD) The frost depth for the Village of Itasca shall be forty-two inches (42") below grade.
   2304.6 Exterior wall sheathing (ADD) Particle board shall not be used for floor or roof sheathing.
   Chapter 29 Plumbing Systems-
      (DELETE) Entire section. (INSERT) All plumbing and plumbing related installations shall comply with the State of Illinois Plumbing Code.
   3001.3 Referenced standards. (DELETE) Entire section. (INSERT) Referenced Standards to be as stringent and comply with current Illinois Elevator Safety Act (225 ILCS 312) and its Rules. For private residential conveyance application, the Act does not apply; however, the IBC code shall apply for new installation, permits, final acceptance. For applications not covered by the Illinois Elevator Safety Act, those conveyance applications shall be covered under the IBC code by the Building Official for new installation, permits, final acceptance, periodic inspections and testing, unsafe conditions, power to seal equipment, put conveyance out of service, and certificate compliance as well as owner/agent responsibility for contractor, maintenance, accident/injury responsibility.
   Referenced Standard from IBC 2018: Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ASME A 17.1), Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts (ASME A 18.1), Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts (A90.1), Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment (B20.1).
   Referenced Standards for (225 ILCS 312): Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.1/CSA B44); Performance-Based Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.1/CSA B44.7); Guide for Inspection of Elevators. Escalators, and Moving Walks (ASME A17.2); Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.3: Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts (ASME 18.1); Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors (ASME QEI-1); Automated People Mover Standards (ASCE 21); Safety Requirements for Personnel Hoists and Employee Elevators ) ANSI A10.4; and Safety Requirements for Industrial Scissors Lifts (ANSI MH29.1.
   3002.1.3 Two or more elevators (ADD) New Section. Provide key access holes in all hoist way doors on all levels
   3002.4 Elevator car to accommodate ambulance stretcher. (DELETE) “...four or more stories above the grade plane or four or more stories below the grade plane”.
   3003.2 Fire fighters' emergency operation.
   3006.1 Access (Machine Rooms) (ADD) This means is not to be used as a passageway through the machine room to other areas of the building or roof.
   3009 (ADD NEW SECTION) Existing Elevators.
   3009.1 Safety Code All existing elevators to comply with ASME 2017 17.3, Safety Code for existing elevators and escalators.
   3010 Maintenance and accidents. (ADD NEW SECTION) Maintenance and accidents
   3010.1 Owner responsibility. The owner or owner's agent for the building in which the equipment is located shall be responsible for the care, maintenance and safe operation of all equipment covered by this section after the installation thereof and acceptance by such owner or agent. The owner or legal agent shall make or cause to be made all periodic tests and inspections and shall maintain all equipment in a safe operating condition, as required by this section.
   3010.2 Contractor responsibility. The person installing any device covered by this section shall make all acceptance tests and shall be responsible for the care and safe operation of such equipment during its construction and until temporarily or finally accepted by the Itasca inspector or his or her designee.
   3010.3 Maintenance items. All operating and electrical parts and accessory equipment or devices subject to this section shall be maintained in a safe operating condition. The maintenance of elevators, dumbwaiters and escalators shall conform to the most current edition of ASME A 17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
   3010.4 Unsafe conditions. lf, upon inspection, any equipment covered by this section is found to be in an unsafe condition, or not in accordance with the provisions of this code, the Building Official shall thereupon serve a written notice of such finding upon the building owner or lessee, stating the time when recommended repairs or changes shall be completed. After the service of such notice, it shall be the duty of the owner to proceed within the time allowed to make such repairs or changes as are necessary to place the equipment in safe condition. It shall be unlawful to operate such equipment after the date stated in the notice unless the recommended repairs or changes have been made and the equipment has been approved, or unless an extension of time has been secured from the Building Official in writing. Time duration to be twenty-four (24) hours, seven (7) days, fifteen (15) days or a maximum of thirty (30) days.
   3010.4.1 Power to seal equipment. ln cases of emergency, the Building Official, in addition to any other penalties herein provided, shall have the power to seal out any device or equipment covered by this section when in the opinion of the Building Official, the condition of the device is such that the device is rendered unsafe for operation: or for willful failure to comply with recommendations or orders.
   3010.4.2 Notice for sealing out of service. Before sealing any device out of service, the Building Official, except in case of emergency, shall serve written notice upon the building owner or lessee stating intention to seal the equipment out of service and reasons thereof.
   3010.4.3 Unlawful to remove seal. Any device sealed out of service by the Building Official, shall be plainly marked with a sign or tag indicating the reason for such sealing. Any tampering with, defacing or removal of the sign, tag or seal without approval shall constitute a violation of this section.
   3010.5 Accidents reported and recorded. The owner of the building shall immediately notify the Building Official of every accident involving personal injury or damage to apparatus on, about or in connection with any equipment covered by this section, and shall afford the Building Official, every facility for investigating such accident. When an accident involves the failure, breakage, damage or destruction of any part of the apparatus or mechanism, it shall be unlawful to use such device until after an examination by the Building Official is made and approval of the equipment for continued use is granted. It shall be the duty of the Building Official to make a prompt examination to the cause of the accident and to enter a full and complete report thereof in the records of the Building Department. Such records shall be open for public inspection at all reasonable hours.
   3010.6 Removal of damaged parts. lt shall be unlawful to; remove from the premises any part of damaged construction or operating mechanisms of elevators, or other equipment subject to the provisions of this section, until permission to do so has been granted by the Building Official.
   3011.0 (ADD NEW SECTION) Certificate of compliance.
   3011.1 Operation. The operation of the equipment governed by the provisions of this chapter and hereinafter installed, relocated or altered shall be unlawful by persons other than the installer until such equipment has been inspected and tested as herein required and a final certificate of compliance has been issued by the Building Official.
   3011.2 Posting Certificates of Compliance. The owner or lessee shall post the current issued certificate of compliance in a conspicuous place inside the elevator.
   3012.0 (ADD NEW SECTION) Construction documents and permits.
   3012.1 Application. The application for a permit shall be accompanied by construction documents in sufficient detail and indicating the location of the machinery room and equipment to be installed, relocate or altered; and all supporting structural members, including foundations. The construction documents shall indicate all materials to be used and all loads to be supported or conveyed. Documents to be reviewed and approved before a permit is issued.
   3012.2 Permits. Equipment or devices subject to the provisions of this code shall not be constructed, installed, relocated or altered unless a permit has been received from the Building Official before the work is commenced. A copy of such permit shall be kept at the construction site at all times while the work is in progress.
   3013.0 (ADD NEW SECTION) Tests and inspections.
   3013.1 General. All equipment and devices covered by the provisions of this code shall be subjected to acceptance and maintenance tests and periodic inspections as required herein.
   3013.2 Acceptance tests. Acceptance test and inspections shall be required on all new, relocated and altered equipment subject to the provisions of this chapter. Tests and maintenance subject shall be of such nature as to determine whether the entire installation is designed, constructed and installed in compliance with this code, and shall include all parts of the equipment and machinery. In addition, Full Load Tests to be done on all equipment. All such tests shall be made in compliance with the requirements of section 8.20 and in the presence of the Building Official or by an approved agency for the Building Official and by the person installing such equipment.
   3013.3 Periodic tests and periodic inspections. Periodic tests shall be required on all new and existing power elevators, and periodic inspections shall be made of all new and existing equipment subject to the provisions of this chapter.
   3013.3.1 Periodic tests. Periodic tests shall be made by the Building Official, or by an approved agency, and shall be made at the expense and responsibility of the owner. Where such tests are not made by the Building Official, the approved agency shall submit a detailed report of the tests to the Building Official on approved forms not more than thirty (30) days after the completion of the tests.
   3013.3.2 Periodic inspections. Periodic inspections shall be made by the Building Official or by an approved agency. Where such inspections are not made by the Building Official, the approved agency shall submit a detailed report of the inspection to the Building Official on approved forms not more than thirty (30) days after the completion of the inspection.
   3013.3.3 Frequency of tests and inspections. Tests and inspections shall be conducted at intervals of not more than those set forth in ASME A 17.1 for elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters and moving walks.
   3014 Miscellaneous equipment (ADD) New section)
   3014.1 Miscellaneous hoisting and elevating equipment. All miscellaneous hoisting and elevating equipment shall be subjected to tests and inspections as required by the Building Official to ensure safe operation.
   3014.2 Conveyors. Conveyors and related equipment shall be inspected and test in accordance with ASME B20.1.
   3401.1 General (ADD): For repairs, alterations and changes to existing buildings that are evaluated in accordance with this Code, compliance with the Code may be accepted by the Building Official when the proposed work is consistent with safe building practices and provides for a greater degree of public safety, health and general welfare to the occupants of the building.
   3401.2 Historic buildings. (ADD) The Village Board shall be able to designate a building, block or area as historical in nature and not have to comply with the requirements in whole or in part.
   DELETE references to the following:
   ICC EC    ICC Electric Code.
   IEBC    International Existing Building Code.
   IPSDC    International Private Sewage Disposal Code.
(Ord. 1464-08, passed 11-4-08; Am. Ord. 1606-12, passed 1-17-12; Am. Ord. 1767-15, passed 10-20-15; Am. Ord. 1842-17, passed 4-4-17; Am. Ord. 2010-22, passed 3-1-22)