(A)   The following are guidelines for this village, its officers and employees in the conduct of official business:
      (1)   The village demands the highest standards of conduct by and among its elected and appointed officials and employees.
      (2)   Village officers and employees should actively promote public confidence in the village government through their administration of the affairs of the village and by promoting decisions which benefit the public interest.
      (3)   Village officers and employees are directed to evaluate all decisions so that the best service or product is obtained at a minimal cost without sacrificing quality, and while keeping safe all funds and other properties of the village.
      (4)   Village officers and employees should inject the prestige of the office into everyday dealings with public employees and associates by maintaining a respectful attitude towards other employees, public officials, colleagues, associates and those having business with the village.
   (B)   The following are mandatory directives for this village and its officers and employees: the village, as a public corporation, requires that all officers and employees faithfully comply with all state or local laws and regulations applicable to the village. It is the expectation of the village that its officials and employees will familiarize themselves with state laws prohibiting unethical conduct.
   (C)   The Village President and Board of Trustees shall be responsible for resolving all matters in which there could be a conflict of interest or a violation of these guidelines.
(Ord. 742-92, passed 2-11-92)