(A)   The Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-100 et seq., as amended from time to time, is hereby adopted by reference to be applied within the corporate limits of the village to the extent permitted by law and to the extent that its subject matter is not regulated by the Village Code of Ordinances or inconsistent with any lawful provisions of the Village Code of Ordinances. All actions or failure to act made unlawful in the Illinois Vehicle Code shall be made unlawful under the provisions of the Village Code of Ordinances.
   (B)   All references in sections of the Illinois Vehicle Code to a state employee or official may be to a corresponding village employee or official where such reference is applicable or necessary. Any provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code adopted herein may be cited by placing "70.02(A)" before the appropriate Illinois Vehicle Code section (i.e. 70.02(A)5.0/11-501, Itasca Traffic Code).
   (C)   Citations for violations of the Illinois Vehicle Code adopted by the reference herein may be issued by authorized personnel of the village, using appropriate Illinois Vehicle Code section which shall, by the effect of this section, represent identically and specially numbered sections of the Village Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 1376-07, passed 4-17-07; Am. Ord. 2104-24, passed 3-5-24)