Should the Community Development Director determine that an entity is in violation of any provision of this chapter and refuses to issue other permits under this chapter pending the entity bringing itself into compliance, the owner may appeal in conformance with this section. Any denial of a permit under this section shall set forth in writing the reason(s) for the denial. The appeal the denial of a permit under this section shall be filed with the Village Administrator who shall conduct an evidentiary hearing and issue a ruling within fourteen days of receipt of a notice of appeal from the entity. The burden of presentation and proof, which shall be by clear and convincing evidence shall be on the owner. The Administrator's ruling shall be in writing setting forth the reasons for the ruling. Denials of an appeal by the Village Administrator shall be appealable to the corporate authorities who shall rule based on the record before the Village Administrator. The corporate authorities shall rule in writing setting forth the reasons for the ruling.
(Ord. 1420-07, passed 12-18-07)