(A)   For the privilege of causing, permitting and engaging in the actions, business and transactions authorized thereby in regard to traffic in alcoholic beverages in the city and pursuant to the authority of KRS 243.070, there is hereby established a corresponding city license for each of the state licenses described in the following schedule. The actions, business and transactions authorized and permitted thereby shall be and are the same as those of the state licenses to which the city licenses correspond and which are indicated and described in the sections of state law indicated in the following schedule. The fees for such city licenses shall be the maximum allowed by law as indicated in the following schedule.
   (B)   No person shall cause, permit or engage in any of the actions, business or transactions authorized by such city and state licenses within the city without both a valid city license and a valid state license.
   (C)   Only those licenses set out in this section shall be issued. The license fees are subject to the provisions of divisions (C)(15), (C)(16) and (C)(17) of below.
(1)   Distilled spirit licenses as set forth in KRS 243.030:
(a)   Distiller’s license, per annum;
(b)   Rectifier’s license, per annum;
(c)   Wholesaler’s distilled spirits and wine license, per annum; and
(d)   Quota retail package license, per annum
(2)   Quota retail drink license, per annum
(3)   Special temporary license, per event
(4)   Nonquota type 1 retail drink license (includes distilled spirits, wine and malt beverages), per annum
(5)   Nonquota type 2 retail drink license (includes distilled spirits, wine and malt beverages), per annum
(6)   Nonquota type 3 retail drink license (includes distilled spirits, wine and malt beverages), per annum
(7)   Distilled spirits and wine special temporary license, per event
(8)   Special Sunday retail drink license, per annum
(9)   Extended hours supplemental license, per annum
(10)   Caterer’s license, per annum
(11)   Bottling house or bottling house storage license, per annum
(12)   Malt beverage licenses as follows:
(a)   Brewer’s license, per annum;
(b)   Microbrewery license, per annum;
(c)   Malt beverage distributor’s license, per annum;
(d)   Nonquota retail malt beverage package license, per annum;
(e)   Nonquota type 4 retail malt beverage drink license, per annum; and
(f)   Malt beverage brew-on license, per annum
(13)   Limited restaurant license (includes distilled spirits, wine and malt beverages), per annum
(14)   Limited golf course license (includes distilled spirits, wine and malt beverages), per annum
(15)   The fee for the following license types may not be increased by more than 5% above the 2013 fee for the current license or th e former license type listed beside it during any five-year period. The fees for the licenses described in this division (C)(15) are still subject to the maximum amounts listed for those licenses in divisions (C)(1) to (C)(14) above:
(a)   Quota retail package license: retail package liquor licenses;
(b)   Quota retail drink license: retail drink license;
(c)   Nonquota type 1 retail drink license: convention center or convention hotel complex license;
(d)   Nonquota type 2 retail drink license: restaurant drink licenses;
(e)   Nonquota retail malt beverage package license: retail malt beverage license;
(f)   Nonquota type 4 retail malt beverage drink license: retail malt beverage license;
(g)   Limited restaurant; and
(h)   Limited golf course license.
(16)   The fee for each of the first five supplemental bar licenses shall be the same as the fee for the primary drink license. There shall be no charge for each supplemental license in excess of 5 to the same licensee at the same premises.
(17)   The holder of a nonquota retail malt beverage package license may obtain a Nonquota type 4 malt beverage drink license for a fee of $50.
(Prior Code, § 118.20) (Ord. 2013-12, passed 12-2-2013) Penalty, see § 118.999