(A)   No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any industrial wastewater, or water containing the substances or possessing the characteristics enumerated in § 50.042 of this chapter, directly or indirectly to the sewerage facilities owned by the city without first obtaining a city permit for industrial wastewater discharge.
   (B)   The permit for industrial wastewater discharge may require pretreatment of industrial wastewaters before discharge, restriction of peak flow discharges, discharge of certain wastewaters only to specified sewers of the city, relocation of point of discharge, prohibition of discharge of certain wastewater components, restriction of discharge of certain hours of the day, payment of additional charges to defray increased costs of the city created by the wastewater discharge and other conditions as may be required to effectuate the purpose of this chapter.
   (C)   No permit for industrial wastewater discharge is transferable without the prior written consent of the Irvine Municipal Utility.
   (D)   No person shall discharge industrial wastewaters in excess of the quantity or quality limitations set by the permit for industrial wastewater discharge. Any person desiring to discharge wastewaters or use facilities which are not in conformance with the permit should apply to the city for an amended permit.
(Prior Code, § 50.060) (Ord. 6-24-82, passed 6-14-1982) Penalty, see § 50.999