As used in chapter 3, article B, "Historic District And Conservation District Overlay", of this title, the following definitions shall apply. The general definitions contained in chapter 9, article A of this title shall apply to all terms used in chapter 3, article B of this title that are not defined in this section.
   ARCHITECTURALLY SIGNIFICANT: A term applied to features and components of a building that indicates that the characteristics of a feature, material or component contributes to a building's architectural style, unique character or aesthetic qualities.
   CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS: The document that is evidence of approval by the historic preservation commission or designated historic review body of a proposal to materially change a historic landmark or property located within a historic or conservation district. A "certificate of appropriateness" must be obtained before a regulated permit may be issued.
   CERTIFICATE OF ECONOMIC HARDSHIP: The document, issued in lieu of a certificate of appropriateness, that signifies that the owner is incapable of earning a reasonable return or obtaining beneficial use from a property due to the regulations of a historic or conservation overlay zone.
   CERTIFICATE OF NO MATERIAL EFFECT: The document, issued in lieu of a certificate of appropriateness, that signifies that the work contemplated in the application will have no effect on any significant exterior features of a historic landmark or property located within a historic or conservation district. The "certificate of no material effect" evidences approval by the historic preservation commission of a proposal to make the change or changes proposed in the application.
   CHANGE IN APPEARANCE: Any alteration, addition, demolition, new construction or other material change that modifies the visual aspect of the exterior of a historic landmark or property located within a historic or conservation district.
   COMMISSION: The Iowa City historic preservation commission, as established by ordinance in accord with this article.
   CONTRIBUTING PROPERTY: A property within a conservation or historic district that is an integral part of the historic context and character of the said district.
   DEMOLITION: Any act or process that destroys a structure or building or any architecturally significant component of a structure or building.
   EXTERIOR FEATURES: The architectural style, general design and arrangement of the exterior of a building, including the kind and texture of building material and the type and style of all windows, doors, roof pitch, eaves, trim and brackets, porches, chimneys, signs and other appurtenant fixtures.
   MATERIAL CHANGE: Any act that adds new materials or otherwise modifies an exterior feature of a property. Material changes include alterations to the exterior features of a building or structure, demolition of a building or structure, demolition of a portion of a building or structure, and new construction on a property, including construction of any new street access drives.
   NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES (NRHP): A list of U.S. places of significance in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture on a national, state, or local level and maintained by the U.S. department of the interior.
   NONCONTRIBUTING PROPERTY: Any property within a conservation or historic district that is not listed as a contributing property.
   REGULATED PERMIT: A permit issued by the building official or other official of the city, according to the provisions of the building code, as amended; this title, as amended; the house movers' ordinance, as amended; or the international fire code, as amended.
   SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR'S STANDARDS FOR REHABILITATION: The basic principles, as listed in the federal code of regulations, for the rehabilitation of a historic property and its site that provide for a property to be returned to a state of utility, through repair or alteration, which makes possible an efficient contemporary use while preserving those portions and features of the property which are significant to its historic, architectural, and cultural value. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005; amd. Ord. 06-4245, 12-12-2006)