A.   Permit Required: A floodplain development permit issued by the building official shall be secured prior to initiation of any development on a tract of land within a flood hazard area.
   B.   Submittal Requirements: The building official may require the following information:
      1.   Description of the work to be covered by the permit.
      2.   Description of the land on which the proposed work is to be done (i.e., lot, block, tract, street address or similar description) that will readily identify and locate the work to be done.
      3.   Indication of the use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended.
      4.   Elevation of the flood hazard event. Where flood elevation data is not provided in the flood insurance study, the applicant shall contact the Iowa department of natural resources to obtain such data.
      5.   Elevation in relation to national geodetic vertical datum of the lowest floor, including basement, of buildings or of the level to which a building is to be floodproofed.
      6.   For buildings being improved or rebuilt, the estimated cost of improvements and market value of the building prior to the improvements.
      7.   Such other information as the building official deems reasonably necessary for the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of chapter 5, article J, "Floodplain Management Standards", of this title.
   C.   Approval Procedure: The building official shall, within a reasonable time, make a determination as to whether the proposed floodplain development meets the applicable standards of chapter 5, article J, "Floodplain Management Standards", of this title, and shall approve or disapprove, in writing, the application. For disapprovals, the applicant will be informed, in writing, of the specific reasons why the application was disapproved. The building official shall not issue permits for variances, except as approved by the board of adjustment according to the approval criteria for such variances set forth in chapter 5, article J of this title. (Ord. 10-4414, 11-16-2010)