A.   Height Limitations:
      1.   Light fixtures located within three hundred feet (300') of a residential zone, Neighborhood Form-Based Zone, riverfront crossings zone, or the eastside mixed use district must be mounted no higher than twenty five feet (25') above grade.
      2.   Light fixtures located farther than three hundred feet (300') from a residential zone, Neighborhood Form-Based Zone, riverfront crossings zone, or the eastside mixed use district must be mounted no higher than thirty five feet (35') above grade.
   B.   Glare Control:
      1.   All bulbs that exceed two thousand (2000) lumens must be fully shielded as installed.
      2.   Unshielded or partially shielded bulbs that are two thousand (2000) lumens or less must be frosted glass or be installed behind a translucent cover.
      3.   All under canopy lights or lights mounted in eaves must either be recessed into the canopy/eave and fully shielded or use flat lenses instead of drop lenses.
      4.   The city may permit the use of light reflectors, refractors or house shields as a substitute for fully shielded light fixtures on lower wattage or low voltage ornamental or pedestrian light fixtures. The shielding on such fixtures must control for uplighting. These substitute shielding options are not permitted for general illumination of large areas, such as parking, service, or outdoor product display areas. Fixtures used to illuminate such areas must be fully shielded.
   C.   Light Trespass: The trespass standards are intended to prevent light from one property extending beyond the property line onto adjacent properties. Compliance with this subsection is achieved with fixture shielding, directional control designed into the fixture, fixture location, fixture height, fixture aim, or a combination of these methods.
      1.   Except for lighting of loading areas, service areas, and for architectural emphasis, floodlighting is prohibited. Floodlights are not permitted for the illumination of parking or outdoor product display areas.
      2.   Floodlights, when permitted, are exempt from subsection B2 of this section, but must be aimed no higher than forty five degrees (45°) from vertical. Floodlights must also comply with subsections C3, C4 and C5 of this section.
      3.   Lighting fixtures must be located and shielded such that the bulb is not directly visible from any adjacent residential use or public right of way. The right of way trespass standard does not apply in the CB-2, CB-5, or CB-10 zones.
      4.   Illumination must not exceed 0.5 initial horizontal foot-candle and 2.0 initial maximum foot-candles as measured at any point along a property boundary that is adjacent to or across the street from properties that are zoned residential, CN-1, or CO-1, or is adjacent to or across the street from a Neighborhood Form-Based Zone. The city may increase the maximum up to 1.0 horizontal foot-candle for building code required lighting on buildings located on or close to the property line. However, lighting must be located and shielded in a manner that will be least obtrusive to any abutting residential properties.
      5.   On any property containing multi-family uses or group living uses, lighting fixtures must be located and shielded such that the bulbs are not visible from any residential window on the property.
      6.   Light fixtures used to illuminate flags, statues, or objects mounted on a pole or pedestal must use a narrow cone of light that does not extend beyond the illuminated object. Lights that are intended to architecturally highlight a building or its features must use a limited pattern of light that does not extend beyond the wall of the building. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005; amd. Ord. 06-4245, 12-12-2006; Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; Ord. 21-4866, 11-16-2021)