The regulations of this section apply to all single-family uses, two-family uses, and any group household that is located within a single-family or two-family dwelling.
   A.   Height And Glare Control:
      1.   Light fixtures must be mounted no higher than fifteen feet (15') above grade.
      2.   All bulbs that exceed two thousand (2,000) lumens must be fully shielded as installed.
      3.   Bulbs used for floodlights must not exceed two thousand (2,000) lumens.
   B.   Light Trespass Standards:
      1.   Any floodlights that are visible from any neighboring residential property must be aimed downward at an angle no higher than forty five degrees (45°) from vertical.
      2.   Light fixtures used to illuminate flags, statues, or objects mounted on a pole or pedestal must use a narrow cone of light that does not extend beyond the illuminated object. Lights that are intended to architecturally highlight a building or its features must use a limited pattern of light that does not extend beyond the wall of the building. Bulbs must be shielded from view of abutting properties and the public right of way.
   C.   Lighting For Private Recreational Facilities: All floodlights used to illuminate outdoor private recreational facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and basketball courts, must be turned off by ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. Underwater lighting in swimming pools and hot tubs are exempt from this provision.
   D.   Prohibited Lighting: Laser lights, searchlights, mercury vapor bulbs, and any other type of lamp capable of producing comparable levels of ultraviolet radiation per watt are prohibited. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)