The following location and dimensional standards for access points provide the opportunity for access to streets while setting limits on the number of curb cuts permitted and the width of driveways. Maximums are intended as an upper limit on the number and dimensions of driveways and should not be construed as minimum requirements. In many cases, fewer and narrower driveways may be desirable to reduce interruption of the city's street and sidewalk system, to preserve opportunities for on street parking, and to reduce impervious surface and storm water runoff.
   A.   Household Living Uses, Except Multi-Family Uses:
      1.   Group Households: Group households must comply with the access regulations that pertain to the type of dwelling in which the group household is located. For example, a group household located in a two-family use must comply with the access regulations for two-family uses.
      2.   Number Of Access Points Allowed:
         a.   For detached single-family dwellings and detached zero lot line dwellings, a maximum of two (2) access points may be approved per property, regardless of whether it is a single frontage, double frontage, or corner lot. For lots with less than fifty feet (50') of frontage, only one access point is allowed.
         b.   For attached single-family dwellings and two-family uses, a maximum of one access point per dwelling unit will be allowed, regardless of whether it is a single frontage, double frontage, or corner lot.
      3.   Access Based On Street Classification: Direct lot access to city streets is allowed according to the following rules. Single- family and two-family uses must also comply with the single- family site development standards as set forth in section 14-2A-6 of this title and/or according to any applicable provisions of the single-family density bonus options set forth in section 14-2A-7 of this title.
         a.   If two (2) access points are approved for a single lot, the primary access drive must be from the lower classified street.
         b.   Where a lot is adjacent to a paved alley or paved private rear lane, primary access must be from the alley or private rear lane, unless, due to topographical limitations or other unique circumstances, such access is not feasible.
         c.   For properties without feasible access to a paved alley or paved private rear lane, the primary access may be located along a local or collector street. For lots with frontage along more than one street, primary access must be located along the lower classified street.
         d.   Direct lot access to an arterial street may be requested when access to a paved alley, private rear lane, local street, or collector street is not feasible due to inadequate frontage, topographical limitations or other unique circumstances. When land is being subdivided or resubdivided into lots intended for single-family or two-family uses, individual lot access to arterial streets is discouraged. The city, at its discretion, may deny a request for a subdivision design that would necessitate individual lot access for single-family and two-family uses to an arterial street. Requests for direct lot access to an arterial street are subject to the provisions of section 14-5C-6, "Arterial Street Access Requirements", of this article.
         e.   For two-family uses and attached single-family dwellings in the RS-5 and RS-8 zone, if access to a paved alley or private rear lane is not feasible, the garage entrance and access drive for a dwelling unit must be oriented towards the same street as that dwelling unit's main entrance.
      4.   Narrow Lots: Additional access restrictions may apply to lots less than sixty feet (60') in width. See the single-family site development standards contained in chapter 2, article A, "Single- Family Residential Zones", of this title.
      5.   Shared Driveways: Dwellings may share drives and aisles; provided, that a shared access easement is secured from the owners of each property sharing the drive or aisle. The easement must be recorded and proof of such recording must be submitted prior to issuance of an access permit.
      6.   Dimensional Standards:
         a.   For alley or rear lane access, the driveway is allowed to be as wide as necessary to provide access to the garage or parking space(s).
         b.   For properties with a single access point, the maximum driveway width is twenty four feet (24') measured at the property line and thirty feet (30') measured at the curb line.
         c.   If two (2) access points are approved on a single frontage lot, the maximum dimension for each driveway is twelve feet (12') measured at the property line and eighteen feet (18') measured at the curb line.
         d.   For single-family uses, if two (2) access points are approved, one from an alley or private rear lane, and one from a street, the primary access drive must be from the alley or private rear lane. In such a case, the maximum driveway width for the secondary driveway from the street is twelve feet (12') measured at the property line and eighteen feet (18') measured at the curb line. The access drive from the alley or rear lane is allowed to be as wide as necessary to provide access to the garage or parking space(s).
         e.   For single-family uses, if two (2) access points are approved on a double frontage or corner lot, one on each frontage, maximum driveway width for the primary driveway is twenty four feet (24') measured at the property line and thirty feet (30') measured at the curb line. The maximum driveway width for the secondary driveway is twelve feet (12') measured at the property line and eighteen feet (18') measured at the curb line.
         f.   For two-family uses, if two (2) access points are approved, one from an alley or private rear lane, and one from a street, the maximum driveway width for the driveway from the street is twenty feet (20') at the property line and twenty six feet (26') at the curb line. The access drive from the alley or rear lane is allowed to be as wide as necessary to provide access to the garage or parking space(s).
         g.   For two-family uses, if two (2) access points are approved on a double frontage or corner lot, one on each frontage, the maximum driveway width for each driveway is twenty feet (20') at the property line and twenty six feet (26') at the curb line.
         h.   The maximum width for shared driveways is twenty four feet (24') measured at the property line and thirty feet (30') measured at the curb line.
         i.   Additional driveway width restrictions may apply to lots narrower than sixty feet (60'). (See single-family site development standards contained in chapter 2, article A of this title.)
         j.   In all cases, at least fifty percent (50%) of the area within the front building setback must remain open space free of impervious surface. Drives may not be constructed such that this limit is exceeded, except when a special exception is granted by the board of adjustment according to the applicable approval criteria as stated in the base zone.
   B.   Multi-Family Uses And Group Living Uses:
      1.   Group Households: Group households located within multi-family uses are subject to the standards of this subsection.
      2.   Determining Number And Location Of Access Points:
         a.   The city will grant direct lot access to local or collector streets based on the size of the residential development, anticipated traffic, the location, the surrounding land uses, and the availability of cross access easements, or alley or private rear lane access. Based on these factors, the city will determine the number and location of access points.
         b.   Direct lot access to arterial streets may be requested if access to an alley, private rear lane, local street, or collector street is not feasible and if access is not feasible by means of a cross access easement. Requests for direct lot access to an arterial street are subject to the provisions of section 14-5C-6, "Arterial Street Access Requirements", of this article.
         c.   No more than two (2) driveways will be allowed on any single frontage property. No more than three (3) driveways will be allowed on any double frontage/corner lot, with a maximum of two (2) driveways permitted along any one street.
      3.   Driveway Dimensional Standards: The city will determine driveway specifications, including width and configuration of lanes, for multi-family and group living uses based on the size of the development, the anticipated traffic generated by the use, the location, the surrounding land uses, and the functional classification of the street to which the driveway provides access. Driveway widths may not exceed twenty four feet (24') measured at the property line and thirty two feet (32') at the curb line, except as required by the city for high traffic volume situations.
   C.   Nonresidential Uses:
      1.   Determining Number And Location Of Access Points:
         a.   The city will grant direct lot access to local or collector streets that are nonresidential in nature, provided traffic circulation and/or public safety will not be compromised. The city will determine the number, location, and design of the access based on the size and location of the nonresidential development, the type of use, the anticipated traffic and safety issues, and the surrounding land uses.
         b.   When a site is being developed or redeveloped for nonresidential uses, existing access points along local or collector streets may be retained in most instances. However, the city may require that an access point be moved or combined with another access point in order to prevent public safety or traffic circulation problems that might reasonably be expected to occur due to the development or redevelopment of the site.
         c.   Institutional uses that are allowed in residential zones may be permitted access to residential local and collector streets, provided such access does not conflict with the approval criteria for provisional and special exception uses contained in chapter 4, article B of this title.
         d.   Direct lot access to arterial streets may be requested if access to a local or collector street is not feasible and if access is not feasible by means of a cross access easement. Requests for direct lot access to an arterial street are subject to the provisions of section 14-5C-6, "Arterial Street Access Requirements", of this article.
         e.   No more than two (2) driveways will be allowed on any single frontage property. No more than three (3) driveways will be allowed on any double-frontage/corner lot, with a maximum of two (2) driveways permitted along any one street.
      2.   Driveway Dimensional Standards:
         a.   The city will determine driveway specifications, including width and configuration of lanes, for nonresidential uses based on the size of the nonresidential development, the anticipated traffic generated by the use, the location, the surrounding land uses, and the functional classification of the street to which the driveway provides access.
         b.   Driveway widths may not exceed thirty four feet (34') measured at the property line and forty two feet (42') at the curb line, except as required by the city for high traffic volume situations and for commercial and industrial properties that need to accommodate large truck traffic. The Iowa City municipal design standards, as amended, describe and illustrate type A, B, and C driveways that are intended for these situations. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)