A.   Purpose: The intent of the historic review process is:
      1.   To ensure that material changes to exterior features of landmarks and properties in historic and conservation districts do not substantially alter or destroy the defining architectural character of a building, site or neighborhood.
      2.   To provide property owners, contractors and consultants with technical assistance and design alternatives to ensure that proposed projects conform with the applicable historic preservation guidelines.
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   If a material change that requires a regulated permit, as defined in chapter 9, article B, "Historic Preservation Definitions", of this title, is proposed for any property located in a historic or conservation district or to a property that has been designated a historic landmark, historic review is required. A minor, intermediate, or major review will be conducted as applicable, and as set forth in chapter 8, article E, "Historic Preservation Commission Approval Procedures", of this title, and if approved, will result in the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness or a certificate of no material effect. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)
      2.   For purposes of this article, a "material change" is any act that adds new materials or otherwise modifies an exterior feature of a property. "Material changes" include alterations to the exterior features of a building or structure, demolition of a building or structure, demolition of a portion of a building or structure, and new construction on a property, including construction of any new street access drives. (Ord. 06-4245, 12-12-2006)
      3.   Normal repairs or maintenance that do not involve material changes for which a regulated permit is required are exempt from historic review. For example, changes made in the color of the exterior surfaces of a building are considered normal maintenance and repair and are therefore not subject to historic review.
   C.   Approval Criteria: Applications for historic review will be reviewed for compliance with the following guidelines and standards, which are published in the "Iowa City Historic Preservation Handbook", as amended:
      1.   Historic Districts And Landmarks: For properties located within a historic district or designated a historic landmark:
         a.   "Secretary Of Interior's Standards For Rehabilitation", 1990 edition or subsequent revision thereof.
         b.   "Iowa City Guidelines For Historic Preservation".
         c.   Individual district guidelines:
            (1)   "Longfellow Neighborhood District Guidelines".
            (2)   "College Hill Neighborhood District Guidelines".
            (3)   "Woodlawn District Guidelines".
            (4)   "Northside Neighborhood District Guidelines".
      2.   Conservation Districts: For properties located within a conservation district:
         a.   "Iowa City Guidelines For Historic Preservation".
         b.   Individual district guidelines:
            (1)   "Longfellow Neighborhood District Guidelines".
            (2)   "College Hill Neighborhood District Guidelines".
      3.   Multi-Family And Two-Family Uses: For properties located within a historic or conservation district in which alterations, additions or new construction will result in two (2) or more dwelling units, the property must meet the central planning district multi-family standards in addition to any applicable guidelines and standards listed above.
   D.   Appeals: Any person aggrieved by any decision of the commission regarding an application for historic review in a historic district or for a historic landmark may appeal the action to the city council. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the commission regarding an application for historic review in a conservation district may appeal the action to the board of adjustment. Procedures for such appeals are set forth in chapter 8, article E, "Historic Preservation Commission Approval Procedures", of this title. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)