The full names, short names, and map symbols of the established multi-family residential zones are listed below. When this title refers to the multi-family residential zones, it is referring to the zones listed below. When this title refers to residential zones, or R zones, it is referring to both the single-family residential zones listed chapter 2, article A of this title and the multi-family residential zones listed below.
   A.   Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zone (RM-12): The purpose of the low density multi-family residential zone (RM-12) is to provide for the development of high density, single-family housing and low density, multi-family housing. This zone is intended to provide a diverse variety of housing options in neighborhoods throughout the city. Careful attention to site and building design is important to ensure that the various housing types in any one location are compatible with one another.
   B.   Medium Density Multi-Family Residential Zone (RM-20): The purpose of the medium density multi-family residential zone (RM-20) is to provide for the development of medium density multi-family housing. This zone is particularly well suited to locations adjacent to commercial areas and in areas with good access to all city services and facilities. This zone allows a mix of detached and attached single-family housing, duplexes, and multi-family housing. Careful attention to site and building design is important to ensure that the various housing types in any one location are compatible with one another.
   C.   Neighborhood Stabilization Residential Zone (RNS-20): The purpose of the neighborhood stabilization residential zone (RNS-20) is to stabilize and preserve the character of older neighborhoods that contain a mix of single-family housing, duplexes, single-family structures that have been converted to multi-family housing, and properties that have been redeveloped with multi-family housing. Higher density multi-family uses that were conforming prior to rezoning to RNS-20 remain conforming when rezoned to RNS-20. Conversions and redevelopment may occur up to the density allowed in this zone.
   D.   High Density Multi-Family Residential Zone (RM-44): The purpose of the high density multi-family residential zone (RM-44) is to establish areas for the development of high density, multi- family dwellings and group living quarters. Properties zoned RM-44 should be located with good access to all city services and facilities, including public transportation services. Vehicular access and parking should be designed carefully to ensure efficient traffic and pedestrian circulation on adjacent streets. Due to the high density permitted in this zone, careful attention to site design is expected to ensure that buildings are compatible with surrounding land uses and that a quality living environment will be maintained over time.
   E.   Planned High Density Multi-Family Residential Zone (PRM): The purpose of the planned high density multi-family residential zone (PRM) is to provide for development of high density multi-family housing in close proximity to centrally located employment, educational, and commercial uses. Because of the high density of development anticipated in this zone, special consideration of building and site design is required. Density bonuses may be granted when additional amenities are provided. Establishing a pleasant, safe and efficient pedestrian environment is important, since many of the city's primary destinations are within walking distance of properties zoned PRM. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)