The full names, short names, and map symbols of the established single-family residential zones are listed in this section. When this title refers to the single-family residential zones, it is referring to the zones listed in this section. When this title refers to residential zones, or R zones, it is referring to both the single-family residential zones listed in this section and the multi-family residential zones listed in chapter 2, article B of this title.
   A.   Rural Residential Zone (RR-1): The rural residential zone (RR-1) is intended to provide a rural residential character for areas in the city that are not projected to have the utilities necessary for urban development in the foreseeable future or for areas that have sensitive environmental features that preclude development at urban densities.
   B.   Low Density Single-Family Residential Zone (RS-5): The low density single-family residential zone (RS-5) is primarily intended to provide housing opportunities for individual households. The regulations are intended to create, maintain, and promote livable neighborhoods. The regulations allow for some flexibility of dwelling types to provide housing opportunities for a variety of household types. This zone also allows for some nonresidential uses that contribute to the livability of residential neighborhoods, such as parks, schools, religious institutions, and daycare facilities. Related nonresidential uses and structures should be planned and designed to be compatible with the character, scale, and pattern of the residential development.
   C.   Medium Density Single-Family Residential Zone (RS-8): The purpose of the medium density single-family residential zone (RS-8) is primarily to provide for the development of small lot single-family dwellings. The regulations are intended to create, maintain, and promote livable neighborhoods. The regulations allow for some flexibility of dwelling types to provide housing opportunities for a variety of household types. Special attention should be given to site design to ensure the development of quality neighborhoods. Nonresidential uses and structures permitted in this zone should be planned and designed to be compatible with the character, scale, and pattern of the residential development.
   D.   High Density Single-Family Residential Zone (RS-12): The high density single-family residential zone (RS-12) is intended to provide for development of single-family dwellings, duplexes and attached housing units at a higher density than in other single- family zones. Because this district represents a relatively high density for single-family development, dwellings should be in close proximity to all city services and facilities, especially parks, schools and recreational facilities. Special attention should be given to site design to ensure the development of quality neighborhoods. Nonresidential uses and structures permitted in this zone should be planned and designed to be compatible with the character, scale, and pattern of the residential development.
   E.   Neighborhood Stabilization Residential Zone (RNS-12): The purpose of the neighborhood stabilization residential zone (RNS-12) is to stabilize certain existing residential neighborhoods by preserving the predominantly single-family residential character of these neighborhoods. Provisions in this zone prevent the conversion or redevelopment of single-family uses to multi-family uses. However, existing conforming multi-family uses retain their conforming status when rezoned to RNS-12. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)