(a)   Any use that requires a special land use permit in the East Main Preservation District shall be permitted one monument sign that shall not exceed 16 square feet in size or four feet in height if placed on the ground or ten feet above the ground if attached to the wall. Signs shall be setback a minimum of five feet from all lot lines or attached to the street side of the building.
   (b)   A sign may be illuminated only by means of external, shielded light fixtures or the sign may be internally illuminated. Blinking lights on signs are prohibited. A light fixture for a sign shall be placed so as to avoid any glare when viewed from off the site. The source of the light shall not exceed a total of 150 watts and any such light source shall be enclosed and directed so as to prevent the source of light from shining directly or indirectly onto traffic or adjacent or nearby property.
   (c)   Sidewalk Signs. As permitted by Section 1284.13 herein.
(Ord. 558. Passed 1-4-22.)