(a)   Upon a sworn complaint that an animal is one of the species of exotic or other animal prohibited by this Chapter, and is currently being illegally possessed or maintained, a district court judge or magistrate shall issue a summons to the owner ordering him to appear to show cause why the animal should not be destroyed or removed from the City.
   (b)   Upon the filing of a sworn complaint as provided herein, the district court or magistrate may order the owner or possessor to immediately turn the animal over to an animal control officer, an incorporated humane society, a licensed veterinarian, or a boarding kennel, at the owner's option, to be retained by them until a hearing is held and a decision is made for the disposition of the animal. The expense of the boarding and retention of the prohibited animal is to be borne by the owner. After a hearing, the court or magistrate shall issue its findings and opinion as to whether the animal is subject to destruction or removal under this Chapter. If so, the court shall order the destruction of the animal at the expense of the City, or, in the alternative, at the court's discretion, order the animal removed from the City under terms and conditions which ensure such removal.
(Ord. 491. Passed 2-7-12.)