(a)   The City may recover all of its assessable costs, and those of mutual aid providers having timely submitted an itemized assessable cost recovery request to the City's Director of the Department of Public Safety, incurred in connection with any emergency assistance provided within its boundaries from any or all responsible parties jointly and severally.
   (b)   The City Manager or, in his or her absence, the Director of the Department of Public Safety or other City officer designated by the Council as its representative in this matter ("Council's designee) shall determine the City's total assessable costs and shall in such emergency incidents determine whether to assess any, all or part of such costs against any of the responsible parties. In making such determinations, the following shall be considered:
      (1)   Total assessable costs;
      (2)   Any risk the incident imposed on the City, its residents and their property;
      (3)   The risk of injury or damage to persons or property;
      (4)   Any evacuation required because of the incident;
      (5)   Any unusual or extraordinary use of the City personnel or equipment; and/or
      (6)   Any damage to the environment.
   (c)   After the consideration of the factors listed in (b) immediately above, the City Manager or the Council's designee may allocate assessable costs among and between responsible parties, including allocating all or some of such costs jointly and severally against more than one responsible party regardless of whether a responsible party has other legal liability or is legally at fault.
   (d)   Whether the City Manager, Director of the Department of Public Safety, or the Council's designee determines to assess all, part or none of the assessable costs against a responsible party, such determination shall not in any way limit or extinguish the liability of the responsible party to the City or any other person, corporation, partnership, government entity or any other entity.
(Ord. 579. Passed 1-3-24.)