1280.01 INTENT.
   (a)   The intent of this section is to regulate commercial wireless communication towers, antennas, and equipment in each zoning district, in accordance with the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Sequestration Act of 2012 and the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, PA 110 of 2006, as amended. Within the general parameters of these laws, this chapter also intends to reduce the impact of these communication elements on adjacent land uses by reasonably regulating their location, height, safety, general appearance, and eventual removal.
   Additionally, this section intends to promote and encourage the collocation of attached communication antennas on existing towers and support structures. Amateur radio antennas operating under a license issued by the Federal Communications Commission which are proposed to be installed on a new wireless communications support structure shall be subject to the provisions of this section, unless such provisions would preclude or prevent the operation of the antenna, then such provisions shall not apply.
   (b)   Exemptions for Antennas Only. The following antennas which are installed on an existing wireless communications support structure are exempt from the requirements of this section but are subject to the applicable building code requirements of the City of Ionia:
      (1)   Amateur radio antennas operating under a license issued by the Federal Communications Commission;
      (2)   Television reception antennas;
      (3)   Citizen band radio antennas;
      (4)   Short wave antennas;
      (5)   Satellite dishes;
      (6)   Government wireless communications equipment and support structures which are subject to State and Federal law or regulations that preempt Municipal regulatory authority.
(Ord. 514. Passed 9-2-14.)