(a)   The requirements of this chapter are in addition to and shall supplement those imposed on the same lands by any underlying zoning provisions of this Zoning Code or other ordinances of the City of Ionia. These regulations supersede all conflicting regulations of the underlying zoning districts to the extent of any such conflict.
   (b)   Designation of Regulate Flood Prone Hazard Areas. The boundaries of the Flood Plain Overlay Zone shall include all those areas in the City designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood insurance study (FIS) entitled "Ionia County, Michigan (All Jurisdictions)" and dated January 16, 2015 and the flood insurance rate maps (FIRMS) panel number(s) 26067C; 0068D; 0176D; 0177D; 0178D; 0179D; 0181D; and 0182D; dated January 16, 2015 which are adopted by reference for the purposes of administration of the Michigan Construction Code, and declared to be a part of Section 1612.3 of the Michigan Building Code, and to provide the content of the "Flood Hazards" section of Table R301.2(1) of the Michigan Residential Code.
(Ord. 390. Passed 3-6-01; Ord. 517. Passed 11-8-14.)