1232.02 LOTS.
   (a)   All lots shall face upon, and have direct access to, a public or private street.
   (b)   The side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street upon which the lots face.
   (c)   All lots shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Code for the zone in which the plat is located.
   (d)   Corner lots for residential use shall have the minimum required frontage on both streets adjacent to the lot.
   (e)   The depth of a lot shall not exceed four times the width. The depth of a lot shall be measured along a horizontal line located midway between the side lot lines and connected to the front and rear lines, or the two front lines of a through lot. The width of the lot shall be measured between the side lot lines parallel to the front lot line at the minimum required front setback line.
   (f)   Corner lots shall have sufficient extra width so as to permit appropriate building setback from both streets or orientation to both streets.
(Ord. 389. Passed 3-6-01.)