(a)   A provider, or one who desires to become a provider, shall apply for a revocable franchise by providing to the City the following information:
      (1)   The name and address of the applicant. If the applicant is not a natural person, the name and address of each of its officers and general partners and each limited partner holding an equity interest of more than twenty percent.
      (2)   Evidence of all required regulatory approvals, permits and licenses for the offering or providing of electricity by way of retail wheeling. To the extent such an approval, permit or license cannot be obtained prior to the issuance of a franchise, the provider shall satisfy the City that one has been obtained prior to the provider's actual use of an electrical system.
      (3)   A statement that the applicant is not in any way indebted to the City for taxes, fees, costs or any other sums.
      (4)   A list of all persons to whom the provider intends to provide electricity.
   (b)   The City may request that an applicant submit additional information it reasonably deems necessary to respond to the application.
   (c)   To reimburse the City for its fixed and variable costs incurred by the City for granting and monitoring revocable franchises, each applicant shall pay a non-refundable application fee in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) (unless changed hereafter by resolution of the City Council). Said fee shall be paid as follows:
      (1)   One thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250) upon the submission of the application; and
      (2)   One thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250) upon the return to the City by the applicant of the signed revocable franchise.
   (d)   Within sixty days of receiving a provider's application and all required information, the City Manager shall present the provider's request for a revocable franchise to the City Council, which shall grant or deny the request or, if reasonably necessary, request more information before granting or denying said request.
   (e)   A revocable franchise shall not be granted unless the applicant establishes that it is capable of complying with the legal, technical and financial requirements of this chapter.
   (f)   If the City Council grants the provider's request for a revocable franchise, the City Manager shall prepare and execute a revocable franchise agreement consistent with this chapter and submit it to the provider for its signature. Said signature shall indicate that the provider acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth therein and within this chapter.
   (g)   A revocable franchise shall become effective when the City receives an original franchise bearing the signature of the applicant along with the payment of the second required application fee.
   (h)   A revocable franchise granted by the City Council, executed by the City Manager and sent to the applicant, but not signed and returned with the required fee by the applicant within six months of its being mailed to the applicant, shall be null and void.
   (i)   Prior to the expiration of a revocable franchise, a provider may apply for a renewed revocable franchise, the process and application fee for which shall be the same as the original revocable franchise.
   (j)   The terms, conditions and duration of a renewed revocable franchise shall be the same as for the original revocable franchise.
(Ord. 388. Passed 3-7-00.)