(a)   Vandalism. No person shall damage, destroy or deface any public, private or parochial school building, or any building occupied by any public, private or parochial school, or the grounds, out-buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other appurtenances thereto, or any personal property located in any such school building or located on property used for such school purposes.
(1975 Code § 9.151)
   (b)   Disturbances. No person shall willfully or maliciously make or assist in making any noise, disturbance or improper diversion by which the peace, quietude or good order of any public, private or parochial school is disturbed.
(1975 Code § 9.152)
   (c)   Indecent Language and Conduct. No person shall use profane, indecent or immoral language or engage in indecent or immoral conduct in any public, private or parochial school building or in any building occupied by any public, private or parochial school or the grounds thereto or on any property adjacent to any building occupied by any public, private or parochial school.
(1975 Code § 9.153)
   (d)   Extortion. No person shall by violence, threat of violence, coercion or intimidation, force, or attempt to force, any public, private or parochial student or other person to give or lend any money, property or other thing of value to any person at any time.
(1975 Code § 9.154)
   (e)   Borrowing. No person shall borrow or attempt to borrow any money, property or other thing of value from any student in any public, private or parochial school or on the property of any public, private or parochial school or during any time when any such student is going to or returning from any regularly scheduled session of any such school, without first obtaining the written consent of the principal of such school or such other person designated by the principal to issue such written consent.
(1975 Code § 9.155)
   (f)   Order to Leave Premises. Any person creating a disturbance in any private, public or parochial school or on the property of any public, private or parochial school shall leave immediately when so directed by the principal of such school or by such other person designated by the principal.
(1975 Code § 9.156)
   (g)   Unauthorized Entry. No unauthorized person shall enter and remain in any school property whether public, private or parochial for any reason whatever unless such person has received written consent from the principal or such other person designated by the principal to be in any such public, private or parochial school building or upon such school property. An unauthorized person shall mean any person who is not a regularly enrolled student in the school building or school grounds entered, or a parent or guardian of such student, or a teacher or other employee in such school building.
(1975 Code § 9.157)