(a)   Civil Infraction. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be liable for a civil infraction, for which the fines shall be as follows:
      (1)   Fifteen dollars if said fine is paid within three calendar days of issuance of the citation; or
      (2)   Thirty dollars if said fine is paid between four calendar days and 30 calendar days of the issuance of the citation; or
      (3)   Forty-five dollars if said fine is paid later than 30 calendar days of the issuance of the citation.
   (b)   Impoundment. A vehicle parked in violation of this Chapter is hereby declared to be a nuisance that may be abated by any person authorized by this Code to enforce this Chapter by removing or causing said vehicle to be removed to the vehicle pound. The owner or operator of any vehicle that has been removed to the vehicle pound may have said vehicle released by paying all parking violation penalties presently outstanding against the vehicle, and all levies and costs of towing and storage and other impoundment expenses to the City of Ionia, or the City of Ionia's towing contractor, if applicable.
   (c)   Impoundment of Vehicles for Failure to Pay Civil Infractions Under This Chapter. If a vehicle is unattended and the registered owner of the vehicle has six (6) or more unpaid and outstanding civil infraction violations, all of which have been issued for a violation of this Chapter any person authorized by this Code to enforce this Chapter may cause said vehicle to be removed to the vehicle pound. The owner or operator of any vehicle that has been removed to the vehicle pound may have said vehicle released by paying all parking violation penalties presently outstanding against the vehicle, and all levies and costs of towing and storage and other impoundment expenses to the City of Ionia, or the City of Ionia's towing contractor, if applicable. There shall be no impoundment under this subsection from any private property.
(Ord. 349. Passed 12-3-91; Res. 09-2001-08. Passed 9-4-01; Ord. 448. Passed 4-10-07; Ord. 521. Passed 6-2-15; Ord. 577. Passed 8-2-23.)