The Council shall meet at the time and place designated for the hearing on the improvements and review of such special assessment roll, and at such meeting, or a proper adjournment thereof, shall consider all objections thereto submitted in writing. The Council may correct the roll as to any special assessment or description of any lot or parcel of land or other errors appearing therein; or it may, by resolution, annul the assessment roll and direct that new proceedings be instituted. The same proceedings shall be followed in making a new roll as in the making of the original roll. After hearing all objections and making a record of such changes as the Council deems justified, the Council may, by resolution, determine to proceed with the public improvement, determine the necessity thereof and set forth the nature thereof, designate the limits of the special assessment district to be affected and describe the lands to be assessed, and finally determine the part or proportion of the cost of the public improvement to be paid by the lands specially benefitted thereby and the part or portion, if any, to be paid by the City at-large for benefit to the City at-large. If the Council determines that it is satisfied with the special assessment roll and that assessments are in proportion to benefits received, it shall pass a resolution which recites such determinations, confirms such roll, places it on the file in the office of the Clerk and directs the Clerk to attach the Clerk's warrant to a certified copy thereof within ten days, and directs the Assessor to spread and the Treasurer to collect the various sums and amounts appearing thereon as directed by the Council. The roll shall have the date of confirmation endorsed thereon and shall from that date be final and conclusive for the purpose of the improvement to which it applies unless contested in the manner provided by law, and subject to adjustment to conform to the actual cost of the improvement, as provided in Section 210.14.
(Ord 368. Passed 3-27-95.)