Section 7.01. Conflicts of Interest; Board of Ethics.
   (a)   Conflicts of Interest. The use of public office for private gain is prohibited. The City Council shall implement this prohibition by ordinance. Regulations to this end shall include but not be limited to: acting in an official capacity on matters in which the official has private financial interest clearly separate from that of the general public; the acceptance of gifts and other things of value; acting in a private capacity on matters dealt with as a public official; the use of confidential information; and appearances by City officials before other City agencies on behalf of private interest. This ordinance shall provide for reasonable public disclosure of finances by officials with major decision-making authority over monetary expenditures and, insofar as permissible under State law, shall provide for fines and imprisonment for violations.
   (b)   Board of Ethics. The City Council shall, by ordinance, establish an independent Board of Ethics to administer and enforce the conflict of interest and financial disclosure ordinances. No member of the Board may hold elective or appointed office under the City or any other government or hold any political party office. Insofar as possible under State law, the City Council shall authorize the Board to issue binding advisory opinions, conduct investigations on its own initiative and, on referral or complaint, refer cases for prosecution, impose administrative fines, and hire independent counsel. The City Council shall appropriate sufficient funds to the Board of Ethics to enable it to perform the duties assigned to it.