(a) Authentication and Recording. The City Clerk shall authenticate by signing and shall record in full in a properly indexed book kept for the purpose all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Council.
(b) Codification. Within three years after adoption of this Charter and at least every ten years thereafter, the City Council shall provide for the preparation of a general codification of all City ordinances and resolutions having the force and effect of law. The general codification shall be adopted by the Council by ordinance and shall be published promptly in bound or loose-leaf form, together with this Charter and any amendments thereto, pertinent provisions of the Constitution and other laws of the State of Michigan, and such codes of technical regulations and other rules and regulations as the Council may specify.
This compilation shall be known and cited officially as the Ionia City Code. Copies of the Code shall be furnished to City officers, placed in libraries and public offices for free public reference, and made available for purchase by the public at a reasonable price fixed by the Council.
(c) Printing. The City Council shall cause each ordinance and resolution having the force and effect of law and each amendment to this Charter to be printed promptly following its adoption, and the printed ordinances, resolutions and Charter amendments shall be distributed or sold to the public at reasonable prices as fixed by the Council. Following publication of the first Ionia City Code and at all times thereafter, the ordinances, resolutions, and Charter amendments shall be printed in substantially the same style as the code currently in effect and shall be suitable in form for integration therein. The Council shall make such further arrangements as it deems desirable with respect to reproduction and distribution of any current changes in or additions to the provisions of the Constitution and other laws of the State of Michigan, or the codes of technical regulations and other rules and regulations included in the code.