A.    The county housing and redevelopment authority (the "HRA") has been duly organized pursuant to Minnesota laws 1971, chapter 333, section 2, as amended, and has all of the powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority under the provisions of Minnesota statutes section 469.001 et seq. (1974 Code § 305.01; amd. 2008 Code)
   B.    The legislature has enacted Minnesota statutes chapter 462C (the "act") to regulate the planning and implementation of single-family housing programs and multi-family housing developments and has provided for the financing of such programs and developments pursuant to its terms only.
   C.    Pursuant to the act, the city is authorized to develop and administer programs of making or purchasing mortgage or rehabilitation loans to finance the acquisition or rehabilitation of single-family housing by low and moderate income persons and families anywhere within its boundaries, or making or purchasing loans to finance multi-family housing developments or the rehabilitation of multi-family housing developments, upon certain conditions set forth in the act.
   D.    Pursuant to the act, the city has the power to authorize a housing and redevelopment authority acting within the city to exercise, on behalf of the city, the powers conferred by Minnesota statutes sections 462C.01 to 462C.08. (1974 Code § 305.01)