A.    Purpose: The R-3A residential district is established for multi-family dwellings in three (3) and four (4) unit buildings with densities ranging up to six (6) dwelling units per acre in areas which are provided with full urban services.
   B.    Performance Standards: See Chapter 15, article B, "Townhouses", and Chapter 15, article C, "Apartments; Multiple Dwellings; Condominiums; Cooperatives", of this title for applicable performance standards.
   C.    Bulk Standards: The following standards apply in the R-3A multiple-family residential district and are the minimum requirements unless otherwise noted:
      1.    Minimum Standards:
Lot area
7,260 square feet per unit
Lot width
100 feet
Front yard setback
30 feet
Side yard setback
20 feet
Rear yard setback
30 feet
Height (maximum)
35 feet or by CUP
Building coverage (maximum)
20 percent
Impervious surface (maximum)
40 percent
      2.    Additional Street And Lot Line Setbacks:
Principal Structure
Parking Lot
Accessory Buildings
Any side along principal arterial, major arterial or minor arterial (100 foot right of way or greater)
50 feet
20 feet
50 feet
Any side along community collector street (80 foot right of way)
40 feet
20 feet
30 feet
Any side along neighborhood collector street (60 to 80 foot right of way)
40 feet
20 feet
30 feet
Any side along local street (60 foot right of way)
40 feet
20 feet
30 feet
Interior side or rear lot line
30 feet
10 feet
10 feet
      3.    Special Requirements: The following special requirements shall be used in computing the minimum required lot area in the R-3A zoning district:
         a.    Ponding areas, marshlands, areas having slopes over twenty percent (20%) or similar unbuildable areas shall not be given more than ten percent (10%) credit in computing the minimum required lot area for multiple dwellings.
         b.    Where garages are buried to the extent that the site area normally covered by garages can be occupied by other uses, each of the preceding requirements shall be reduced by three hundred (300) square feet per dwelling unit.
   D.    Allowable Uses: See table in section 10-6-1 of this title for a listing of allowable uses within the R-3A residential district. (Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004)