The application for any permit or approval defined in this chapter shall be made in writing on such form as the city may from time to time designate, and shall include such information as may be required by the project scope as specified in section 9-5-5 of this chapter and as set forth herein. For all submittals and plans, the preparer shall have the applicable Minnesota professional license or certification and provide the information on the plans and documents.
   A.   Erosion And Sediment Control Plan Application Procedures:
      1.   Application: A written application for erosion and sediment control plan approval, along with the proposed erosion and sediment control plan, shall be filed with the director of public works, when applicable as per subsection 9-5-5A2 of this chapter. The application shall include a statement indicating the purpose for which the approval is requested, that the proposed use is permitted by right or as an exception in the underlying zoning district, and adequate evidence showing that the proposed use will conform to the standards set forth in this chapter.
      2.   Drawings And Fees: An electronic (PDF format) set of drawings and required information shall be submitted to the director of public works and shall be accompanied by all applicable fees.
      3.   Review: The erosion and sediment control plan must be reviewed by the director of public works prior to issuance of any plan approval.
      4.   Erosion And Sediment Control Plan Content: At a minimum, the erosion and sediment control plan shall contain the information in subsections A5 through A9 of this section, for all work, except as determined otherwise by staff.
      5.   Identification And Description:
         a.   Applicant's name and address;
         b.   Legal description and address;
         c.   Names, addresses, and phone numbers of the primary contact, record owner, and an agent, land surveyor, and engineer, if any;
         d.   Names, addresses, and phone numbers of the primary contact for the project general contractor. If general contractor is not known at time of application, such information shall be submitted prior to the start of any land disturbing activities;
         e.   General location map; and
         f.   Date of preparation on any maps provided.
      6.   Site Plan: Site plan(s) shall include:
         a.   Boundary lines of existing and proposed plan;
         b.   Existing and proposed permanent and temporary drainage, utility, and other easements;
         c.   Existing and proposed zoning classifications for land within and abutting the development;
         d.   Acreage and lot dimensions;
         e.   Site map with existing and proposed topography to a one foot (1') or two foot (2') contour interval, final grades, including dividing lines and direction of flow for all pre- and post-construction stormwater runoff drainage areas located within the project limits. The site map(s) must also include existing and proposed impervious surfaces and soil types. This information must be shown extending at least one hundred feet (100') beyond property lines or as necessary to show the ultimate drainage features;
         f.   Location of existing and proposed roads, property lines and structures;
         g.   Location and dimensions of existing and proposed natural waterways and stormwater drainage systems;
         h.   Location of existing natural water bodies including lakes, streams, and wetlands on or immediately adjacent to property, as well as normal water level and ordinary high water level (if available), including all surface waters and existing wetlands, within one-half (1/2) mile from the project boundaries which will receive stormwater runoff from the construction site, during or after construction. Where surface waters receiving runoff associated with construction activity will not fit on the plan sheet, they must be identified with an arrow, indicating both direction and distance to the surface water. The plan must identify if the surface water is a special water or impaired water; and
         i.   Vegetative cover, wooded areas, and a clear delineation of any vegetation proposed for removal.
      7.   Site Construction Plan: A site construction plan including:
         a.   Locations and dimensions of all proposed land disturbing activities;
         b.   Locations and dimensions of all temporary soil or dirt stockpiles or areas where stockpiles may be placed during construction;
         c.   Location of areas where construction will be phased to minimize duration of exposed soil areas; and
         d.   Locations of areas not to be disturbed. Buffer zones must be described and identified on plan sheets or project maps in the erosion and sediment control plan.
      8.   Erosion And Sediment Control Practices: Completed erosion and sediment control plan specifying the erosion and sediment control practices to be utilized including the following:
         a.   Location and type of all temporary and permanent erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs along with procedures to be used to establish additional temporary BMPs as necessary for the site conditions during construction;
         b.   Standard plates and/or specifications for the BMPs used on the project must be included in the final plans and specifications for the project;
         c.   Estimated quantities tabulation must be included for all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs in the erosion and sediment control plan, e.g., linear feet of silt fence, square yards of erosion control blanket, etc.;
         d.   BMPs for dewatering activities;
         e.   Management of solid and hazardous wastes; and
         f.   Computations and documentation regarding the sizing and location of temporary sediment basins.
      9.   Signatures: Both the applicant and the contractor shall sign the erosion and sediment control plan certifying their understanding of the measures and that penalties may be exacted by the director of public works for failure to comply with the measures agreed upon.
   B.   Stormwater Management Plan Application Procedures:
      1.   Application: A written application for stormwater management plan approval, along with the proposed stormwater management plan, the stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) if required by the NPDES general construction permit, erosion and sediment control plan as per subsection A of this section, and site construction plan, shall be filed with the director of public works, when applicable, as per subsection 9-5-5A3 of this chapter. The application shall include a statement indicating the purpose for which the approval is requested, that the proposed use is permitted by right or as an exception in the underlying zoning district, and adequate evidence showing that the proposed use will conform to the standards set forth in this chapter.
      2.   Review By City Departments: Prior to applying for approval of a stormwater management plan, an applicant may have the stormwater management plan reviewed by the appropriate departments of the city. The SWPPP may be substituted for applicable portions of the stormwater management plan.
      3.   Review By Director Of Public Works: The stormwater management plan must be reviewed and approved by the director of public works.
      4.   Drawings And Fees: An electronic (PDF format) set of drawings and required stormwater management plan information shall be submitted to the director of public works and shall be accompanied by all applicable fees.
      5.   Stormwater Management Plan Content:
         a.   If the project disturbs equal to or greater than one acre of land, the stormwater management plan shall contain the information required for compliance with the most recent requirements for a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) as part of the Minnesota pollution control agency's NPDES/SDS "application for general stormwater permit for construction".
A copy of the NPDES general construction permit must be provided within seven (7) days of receipt.
         b.   The stormwater management plan and the site construction plan shall meet all of the requirements set forth in section 9-5-9 of this chapter.
         c.   The owner must have an approved stormwater management plan prior to conducting any land disturbing activity. The SWPPP must be a combination of narrative, plan sheets and, if appropriate, standard detail sheets that address the foreseeable conditions, at any stage in the construction or postconstruction activities.
         d.   Site plan(s) shall include all the information listed in subsections A6 and A7 of this section.
         e.   A site construction plan including all the information listed in subsection A7 of this section.
         f.   Owners and operators shall ensure either directly or through coordination with other permittees that their plan meets all terms and conditions of the approved plan and that their activities do not render another party's erosion and sediment control and stormwater management plans ineffective.
         g.   A stormwater facility maintenance agreement (SWFMA) indicating the responsible party or parties charged with the long term operation and maintenance, repair, or replacement of any privately owned stormwater conveyance and BMP facilities. The SWFMA shall also include information on the intended final ownership of the properties containing such facilities and the means by which inspection, operation, maintenance, repair, or replacement shall be funded and accomplished. The SWFMA shall specify the types and frequencies of routine and major maintenance activities. An annual inspection report on maintenance activities and inspections shall be submitted to the director of public works by January 1 of each year for activities completed in the previous twelve (12) month period.
         h.   Lot sizes, layout, numbers and preliminary dimensions of lots and blocks.
         i.   Minimum building setback lines as required by the zoning ordinance.
         j.   Areas and size of areas other than streets, alleys, pedestrian ways and utility easements, intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use.
         k.   Finished grading shown as two foot (2') contours to clearly indicate the relationship of proposed changes to existing topography and remaining features.
         l.   A drainage plan of the developed site delineating in which direction and at what rate stormwater will be conveyed from the site and setting forth the areas of the site where stormwater will be allowed to collect.
         m.   Location of proposed public sewer (storm and sanitary) and water mains.
         n.   A landscape plan, drawn to an appropriate scale, including dimensions and distances and the location, type, size and description of all proposed landscape materials and proposed ground cover (final stabilization) which will be added to the site as part of the development.
         o.   For bioretention systems, provide a plant palette of native vegetation species to be used and specify the size and spacing of plants.
         p.   Calculations for stormwater runoff volume, peak discharge velocities, and peak flow rates for the 2-year, 24-hour event, 10-year, 24-hour event, and 100-year, 24-hour event.
         q.   Normal water level, 100-year high water level, and emergency overflow elevations for ponding areas on the site.
         r.   Any other information pertinent to the particular project that, in the opinion of the director of public works, is necessary for the review of the project.
      6.   Alteration Of The Course, Current, Or Cross Section Of Drainageways: For land disturbing activities that alter natural or constructed drainageways, the stormwater management plan shall additionally contain the following information:
         a.   Finished grading shown at contours at the same interval as provided above or as required to clearly indicate the relationship of proposed changes to existing topography and remaining features;
         b.   Bankfull discharge rate (typically, the 1.5 year recurrence interval) of creek or stream if there is a waterway on the site or if the site discharges directly to a waterway.
      7.   Models/Methodologies/Computations: Hydrologic and/or hydraulic models, calculations and design methodologies used for determining runoff characteristics and analyzing stormwater management structures. Plans, specifications and computations for stormwater management facilities submitted for review shall be signed by a registered professional engineer.
      8.   Legal Documents: Legal documents for securing temporary or permanent easements as necessary shall be submitted for review.
      9.   Record Drawings For BMPs: All BMPs less than two hundred (200) square feet shall be located with a single survey point with the elevation and coordinates taken in the bottom center of the BMP. Larger BMPs shall be located with sufficient survey points to define the shape of the BMP. (Ord. 1326, 11-28-2016; amd. Ord. 1435, - -2022)